[4] 万洋洋,接晶,陶国华.Nectin-4在乳腺癌中的表达及其临床意义[J].交通医学, 2021, [5] Deng, H., Shi, H., Chen, L. et al. Over-expression of Nectin-4 promotes progression of esophageal cancer and correlates with ...
OBJECTIVE: Nectin-4 is a transmembrane protein belonging to the nectin family of immunoglobulin-like molecules which is found in the placenta and trachea under physiological conditions and its expression has been shown in many cancer types. We aimed to investigate for the 1st time nectin-4 ...
et al. Over-expression of Nectin-4 promotes progression of esophageal cancer and correlates with poor prognosis of the patients. Cancer Cell Int 19, 106 (2019). [6] Liu R, Zhao K, Wang K, Zhang L, Ma W, Qiu Z, Wang W. Prognostic value of nectin-4 in human cancers: A meta-...
[6] Deng, H., Shi,H., Chen, L. et al. Over-expression of Nectin-4 promotes progression ofesophageal cancer and correlates with poor prognosis of the patients. CancerCell Int 19, 106 (2019).[7] Zhang J,Liu RJ, et al. 9MW2821, a nectin-4 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), in patie...
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[2]Expression of nectin-4 in prostate cancer. North Clin Istanb. 2023 Sep 25;10(5):583-588. doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.36034. PMID: 37829757; PMCID: PMC10565758. [3]Nectin-4 as a Predictive Marker for Poor Prognosis of Endometrial Cancer with Mismatch Repair Impairment. Cancers (Basel). 20...
Currently approved ADCs in breast cancer target HER2 or Trop-2. Enfortumab vedotin, an ADC targeting Nectin-4, a cell adhesion molecule, is approved in advanced/metastatic urothelial cancer. This study evaluated the expression landscape of Nectin-4 in breast cancer and its association with ...
Characterization of Nectin-4 protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer patients Abstract # 35472 •# B014 INTRODUCTION • Nectin-4, a cell adhesion molecule from the Nectin-like family, is a validated tumor target overexpressed on the surface of cells in several cancers1. • Using ...
关键词 卵巢肿瘤;Nectin.4;细胞黏附;RT-PCR;免疫组织化学 2 EXPRESSIONOFNECTIN.4IN OVARIANCANCER ANDITSCLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Chai Postgraduate: Shouhui Speciality: Obstetricsand Gynecology Directed by:Prof.ZhangPing ABSTRACT objective To the oftheNectin-4 studyexpression mRNAand inovarian protein cancer...
[18] Fabre-Lafay, Stéphanie, et al. "Nectin-4 is a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast cancer." BMC cancer 7 (2007): 1-16. [19] Ma, Jie, et al. "Expression and clinical significance of Nectin-4 in hepatocellular carcinoma." OncoTargets and therapy (201...