NEBridge Golden Gate Assembly Tool can be used to design primers for Golden Gate DNA Assembly reactions, estimate overhang fidelity, or find optimal Golden Gate break points for long sequences.
NEBridge®Golden Gate Assembly Tool FAQs & 问题解决指南 FAQs What is the mechanism for Golden Gate Assembly? What affects the efficiency of Golden Gate Assembly? Can PCR amplicons be used directly in assembly reactions without purification? Why do many of the published Golden Gate Assembly articl...
NEBridge® 连接酶预混液可与多种 NEB IIS 型限制性内切酶搭配使用,进行高效率和高保真的 Golden Gate 组装,为使用者提供更多灵活和便利。 试剂盒经优化设计,适用于高效、准确的 Golden Gate 组装 3X 预混液剂型,使用便捷 搭配NEB IIS 型限制性内切酶使用 用于无缝克隆 – 组装后不存在多余序列残留 适用于在单...
NEBuilder Assembly Tool can be used to design primers for your NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly or Gibson Assembly® reactions, based on the entered fragment sequences and the polymerase being used for amplification. NEBridge® Golden Gate Assembly Tool Use this tool to assist with in silico...
BsaI-HFv2 是一种 IIS 型限制性内切酶,经过优化用于 Golden Gate 组装和需要使用 BsaI 切割 DNA 的实验流程。
This tool is ideal for NEB Q5® and NEBuilder® HiFi DNA Assembly applications. Application Note Learn about an accessible method for shuffling DNA using NEBridge® Golden Gate Assembly to recombine proteins and find new properties. Application Note Read about how NEB scientists extract and...
NEBridge™ Golden Gate Assembly ToolLigase Fidelity ToolsGolden Gate Assembly Resource PageWebinar: Fidelity和末端连接连接中的偏差:启用复杂的多片段 Golden Gate DNA AssemblyPryor,J. M. 等。 (2020) PLoS One, ...
NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly, Gibson Assembly®, and NEBridge Golden Gate Assembly can be used to create many functional DNA structures, from a simple joining of two metabolic genes, all the way up to the creation of an artificial genome. To help select the best DNA assembly method for ...
Accelerating DNA Construction to Protein Expression: A Rapid 1-Day Workflow Using NEBridge®Golden Gate Assembly 工具& 资源 选择指南 Protein Expression and Purification Selection Chart PURExpress® vs. NEBExpress® Application Chart Web 工具 ...
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