NCBI词汇表.pdf,Accession number AAcccceessssiioonn nnuummbbeerr An Accession number is a unique identifier given to a sequence when it is submitted to one of the DNA repositories (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ). The initial deposition of a sequence record is refer
The RefSeq accession prefix has an implied meaning 18-2 NCBI Handbook The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) Project in terms of the type of molecule it represents. Table 1 indicates the types of sequence molecules and the corresponding RefSeq accession number formats. See also the RefSeq [http://www...
NCBIprot is a predefined database, meaning up-to-date configuration information is downloaded automatically by Mascot Database Manager.To enable nr with the new configuration, all you need to do is: Configuration Editor; Configuration Options; add NCBIprot to the list of databases next to Ignore...
; If false, PersephoneShell will still try to match names from the file to maps in the database ; using MAP_NAME, MAP_ID or ACCESSION_NO, and if the map is not found, the annotation line will be skipped LoadListedMapsOnly=true ;MAP_NAME in file=MAP_NAME or ACCESSION_NO in DB NC...