Conclusion: Senior Chief Dave's exemplary performance across multiple roles significantly contributed to the operational readiness, morale, and professional development of the command. His leadership, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence has left a lasting impact on the command and makes him...
standing 500 hours as a Fixed Post Sentry assisting the local base security department in achieving its security directives. While serving as the ASF liaison, a Chief Level Position, he recruited and prescreened over 40 Sailors to attend the quarterly ASF academy. Due...
MasterChief-SeniorChiefboard,orLDO-CWOboard 10)PersonnelselectedforCPOthroughtheSailoroftheYear(SOY)programandtheEnlistedRecruiterof theYear(EROY)programinFY-11 ELIGIBILITYEXCEPTIONS(cont): (Personnelareexemptforthefollowing) 11)E4-E6PersonneladvancedfromtheSeptember2010Navy-WideAdvancementExam ...