What is used in FMS computation? For those who are CPO board eligible, the FMS is computed usingPerformance Mark Average and exam score only. OPNAV N132 provides advancement quotas for the Active Duty cycles and BUPERS-32 provides advancement quotas for the SELRES cycles. What military life ...
Chief Dillinger is a Front Runner and Mentor. Through his dedication he has pushed NOSC Little Rock's Advancement to 51.2 percent, well above the Navy average of 37 percent. Leading NOSC Little Rock in the latest Triennial Assessment from RCC MidWest with a score of 88%, his own Safety A...
- Continuing her focused leadership and ingenuity, Petty Officer XXX ensured leadership and advancement training was ongoing throughout the command. Her initiative, the USS XXX ADVANCEMENT MACHINE (BAM) increased the advancement rate by 17%. In addition, she served as an integral member of the Dam...
paygradeduringadvancementcycle212(January-June2012)andtheirERBresultswillbe vacated.TheseSailorswillretainedonActiveDuty. CONVERSIONOPTIONS: SailorsselectedforconversionintoanundermannedratingwillreceivePCSordersto transfer to A-School or to fill a vacancy in their new rating by the end of FY-12. ...