CDR Loza has consistently ensured that NAVCENT NCAGS mission never fails. His leadership, teamwork and perseverance provided a model for other Reserve unit Chief Staff Officers to follow. Staff Nurse, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit For meritorious service while serving as Staff Nurse, Neonatal Intensive...
How do you join the Navy Bol? All active duty and reserve personnel having a BOL account, a Common Access Card (CAC) and a CAC-enabled computer can now view their OMPF record online byselecting the "OMPF - My Record" link under the BOL Application Menu. See NAVADMIN 011/09 for detail...
- LT Burgess helped to develop processes, standards and procedures for the MIOC active and reserve intelligence watch floor at USFF. He worked closely with the active component and these processes, standards and procedures are still in practice today, assisting in the manning and execution of opera...
2)SelectedReserve(SELRES) 3)SailorsinovermannedratingswithaSEAOSof30September2012andearlier,willbeadjudicatedby PTSandwillnotbereviewedbythisboard. 4)NuclearNavyEnlistedClassificationCode(NEC)–RefertoNAVADMIN129/11forlist 5)PersonnelassignedasJointSpecialOperationsCommandEnablers ...