1.托管模块是标准的32位 Microsoft Windows 可移植执行体(PE32)文件或则是标准的64位 Windows 可移植执行体(PE32+) 2.托管程序集总是利用 Windows 的数据执行保护(Data Execution Prevention,DEP)和地址空间的随机化(Address Space Layout Randomization,ASLR),这两个功能旨在增强整个系统的安全性 3.托管模块的各个...
Change nav2_navfn_planner to use modern CMake idioms: Switch from ament_target_dependences() to target_link_libraries() Push the include directories down one level, which is best practice since Humble. Make sure to export the target so that downstream users can use the library. Description of...
ROS 2 Navigation Framework and System. Contribute to ros-navigation/navigation2 development by creating an account on GitHub.