National Mental Health Services Survey: Virginia SummaryIntroduction Access to mental health services (MHS) remains a significant problem in the...Allen, AshleighKo, TomNagraj, V. P.Developments in Mental Health Law
National Survey of Mental Health Services for Mentally Ill Offenders in PrisonBewley, Marshall Tribble
WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Survey InitiativeObjectives To present background information for the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS) on the Saudi mental healthcare delivery system and previous epidemiological research on the prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in the Kingdom of ...
Free Essay: A National Youth Mental Health Survey reported that 14% of children and young people in Australia experienced mental health difficulties (Sawyer...
Brooker C, Gojkovic D (2009) The second national survey of mental health in-reach services in prisons. J Forens Psychiatry Psychol 20(Supplement 1):S11-S28. doi:10.1080/147899408026 38325Brooker, C. and Gojkovic, D. (2009) `The second national survey of mental health in-reach services ...
SAMHSA releases first national survey of school mental health services.The article reports on the release of the first national survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) regarding school mental health services. The survey which was done on 83,000 public schools...
Table. Characteristics of Participants and Adjusted Associations With Mental Health Disorders View LargeDownload 1. US Center for Mental Health Services. The Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program: evaluation findings: annual report to Congress, 2011.https:/...
The digital survey method could be adapted to generate future surveys to review satisfaction with service development and generate ideas for further change. 展开 关键词: STAKEHOLDERS NATIONAL health services MENTAL health DOI: 10.1192/bjb.2023.26 年份: 2024 ...
Using Cognitive Style Questionnaire for Chinese Adults of Mental Health Diathesis Assessment System,this study investigated 6432 Chinese adults from 28 different provinces including municipalities and autonomous regions all over China. Results indicated that: The overall level of the cognitive style for Chin...
mental healthmutual support groupsself-help organizationsThe authors report on a 2002 national survey of mental health mutual support groups (MSG) and self-help organizations (SHO) run by and for mental health consumers and/or family members, and consumer-operated services (COS). They found 7467...