NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY SURVEY: FINAL REPORTdoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.26142.25923Lara BishopFergus GardinerA GorelikJohn Gleeson
Brooker C, Gojkovic D (2009) The second national survey of mental health in-reach services in prisons. J Forens Psychiatry Psychol 20(Supplement 1):S11-S28. doi:10.1080/147899408026 38325Brooker, C. and Gojkovic, D. (2009) `The second national survey of mental health in-reach services ...
World Mental Health (WMH) Survey InitiativeSaudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS)Objectives To present an overview of the survey and field procedures developed for the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS). Methods The SNMHS is a face‐to‐face community epidemiological survey of DSM㊣...
Free Essay: A National Youth Mental Health Survey reported that 14% of children and young people in Australia experienced mental health difficulties (Sawyer...
National Survey of Mental Health Services for Mentally Ill Offenders in PrisonBewley, Marshall Tribble
This analysis of 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health data estimates the national and state-level prevalence of treatable mental health disorders and
State income inequality, household income, and maternal mental and physical health: cross sectional national survey. (2000). State income inequality, household income, and maternal mental and physical health: cross sectional national survey. BMJ, 321 , 1311–1315... RS Kahn,PH Wise,BP Kennedy,....
The National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being in Australia has provided a rare opportunity to investigate not only the sociodemographic distribution of well-being, but also how it is related to impaired mental or physical health, to specific groups of psychiatric disorders and disability in ...
WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Survey InitiativeObjectives To present background information for the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS) on the Saudi mental healthcare delivery system and previous epidemiological research on the prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in the Kingdom of ...
Mental disorders on and personal earnings were assessed in a representative sample of 1,889 Nigerians aged 18-64 years in an epidemiological survey. Version 3.0 of the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO-CIDI) was used to assess mental disorders. Respondents ...