The National Mental Health Survey 2016 (NMHS 2016) was a large epidemiological study, one of its kind, conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru to overcome the shortcomings of the previous surveys. The detailed report of the study is available...
State income inequality, household income, and maternal mental and physical health: cross sectional national survey. (2000). State income inequality, household income, and maternal mental and physical health: cross sectional national survey. BMJ, 321 , 1311–1315... RS Kahn,PH Wise,BP Kennedy,....
Weighted prevalence estimates were calculated using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute) to account and adjust for the complex survey design. Logistic regression determined the association between mental health disorders and covariates. Covariates were selected based on their relevance to children and outcomes,...
Free Essay: A National Youth Mental Health Survey reported that 14% of children and young people in Australia experienced mental health difficulties (Sawyer...
The National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being in Australia has provided a rare opportunity to investigate not only the sociodemographic distribution of well-being, but also how it is related to impaired mental or physical health, to specific groups of psychiatric disorders and disability in ...
National Survey of Mental Health Services for Mentally Ill Offenders in PrisonBewley, Marshall Tribble
WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Survey InitiativeObjectives To present background information for the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS) on the Saudi mental healthcare delivery system and previous epidemiological research on the prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in the Kingdom of ...
Bipolar disorder in a national survey using the World Mental Health Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview: the impact of differing diagnostic algorithms. Objective: The World Mental Health Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI) DSM-IV bipolar disorder ...
Saudi National Mental Health SurveytreatmentWHO World Mental Health Survey InitiativeObjectives To estimate lifetime treatment rates of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS). Methods The SNMHS is a face‐to‐face community epidemiological survey in a nationally ...
Age of onset and lifetime projected risk of psychotic experiences: cross-national data from the World Mental Health Survey. Schizophr Bull. 2016;42(4):933-941.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 27. Sullivan SA, Lewis G, Gunnell D, Cannon M, Mars B, Zammit S. The longitudinal association ...