— NASA's X-59 'quiet' supersonic jet passes key safety review ahead of 1st test flight The X-59 has undergone years of development and testing to get this far. NASA has been researching quiet supersonic technologies for decades. NASA first got funding for the project in 2...
NASA says it is still too soon to know if a recently discoveredseries of subsystem issues with the X-59 low-boom supersonic demonstrator mayjeopardize agency plans to begin flight tests later this year.NASA says the problems, whichwere uncovered during systemcheckout tests at Lockheed Martin's...
The X-59 is an experimental plane that will fly faster than thespeed of soundwithout a loud sonic boom. It will be the first of its kind to fly, with the goal of gathering sound data for NASA's Quesst mission, which could open the door to commercial supersonic overland flight in the...
NASA's X-59 supersonic aircraft.Lockheed Martin/Martin Tice NASA's X-59 supersonic aircraft.Lockheed Martin/Garry Tice NASA’s experimental X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) plane is gearing up for its first test flight sometime this year. Recommended Videos As its name suggests, the...
NASA’s experimental supersonic aircraft, the X-59 QueSST (Quiet SuperSonic Technology), has moved a step closer to its first flight. At Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, the aircraft now sits on the flight line, the space between the hangar and the runway. ...
NASA在一份新闻稿中表示,X-59预计将以1.4倍音速飞行,即每小时约1500公里。该机构解释说,该飞机的设计、形状和技术将使其能够达到高速,同时产生“更安静的声音重击”。 The X-59 has not yet completed a test flight. But NASA officials have said they expect that to happen sometime this year. The ...
[03:58.84]The X-59 has not yet completed a test flight. [04:04.20]But NASA officials have said [04:06.76]they expect that to happen sometime this year. [04:10.44]The team will be carrying out other tests [04:...
NASA and Lockheed Martin test pilots inspect the painted X-59 as it sits on the ramp at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to solve one of the major barriers to supersonic flight over land, currently ba...
In July, Lockheed Martin completed the build of NASA’s X-59 test aircraft, which is designed to turn sonic booms into mere thumps, in the hope of making overland supersonic flight a possibility. Ground tests and a first test flight are planned for later in the year. NASA aims to have...
NASA还收到了F414-GE-100发动机的交付,该发动机将安装到X-59中。X-59的建造工作由洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)公司位于加州帕姆代尔的“臭鼬工厂”(Skunk Works)进行。NASA在电动飞行方面的研究取得了多项重大进展,包括NASA的首架全电动X飞机:X-57“麦克斯韦”(X-57 Maxwell)的先进性设计工作,该飞机在...