如果plot是matplotlib库的一部分,并且你还没有安装这个库,你需要安装它。可以使用pip来安装: bash pip install matplotlib 如果已经安装了matplotlib但仍然遇到问题,尝试更新到最新版本: bash pip install --upgrade matplotlib 综上所述,解决“name 'plot' is not defined”错误的关键在于确保plot在你尝试使用它之...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
from pylab import
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\cuyug\Desktop\TroPYcal codes\prettymaps.py", line 4, in <module> from prettymaps import * File "C:\Users\cuyug\Desktop\TroPYcal codes\prettymaps.py", line 17, in <module> layers = plot( NameError: name 'plot' is not defined ...
When Matplotlib is not installed, this error is generated upon import. According to the docs, Matplotlib is an optional dependency. However, I can find no way to use the WNTR package without installing Matplotlib. I also see this when us...
NameError: name 'plt' is not defined We get aNameError: name 'plt' is not defined. This is because we have imported thepyplotmodule with the nameplotbut we’re trying to use it using the nameplt. To fix this error, you can either use the name that you have used in the import st...
而using 编译指令使所有的名称都可以用。 using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"aa";
I'm trialing tracktor on a machine running Xubuntu 16.04, on a jupyter notebook. When running the fish example, everything seems to be going smoothly, except when I try to plot (last section). In that case, the following output error is produced: ...