有时候,开发环境可能因为缓存或状态不一致而导致模块导入失败。尝试重启你的开发环境(如关闭并重新打开IDE或Jupyter Notebook),然后再次运行你的代码。 综上所述,如果你已经按照上述步骤操作,但仍然遇到“name 'plot_tree' is not defined”的错误,可能需要进一步检查你的开发环境配置或寻求社区的帮助。
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
如果你是在python notebook环境下需要在前面加上一句%pylab 就可以了:%pylab import pandas plot(arange...
from pylab import
from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model 确保您的代码中包含使用的导入,并且您已按照正确的方式使用plot_model函数。此外,检查您是否(如果适用)指定了正确的版本,因为不同版本的plot_model函数可能有所不同。 总之,如果遇到这种错误,请搜索文档或查询函数定义以确保您正确地使用了它。
TreeviewControl Represents the hierarchical member-selection control of a cube field. You use this object primarily for macro recording; it is not intended for any other use. Trendline Represents a trendline in a chart. A trendline shows the trend, or direction, of data in a series. Trendl...
而using 编译指令使所有的名称都可以用。 using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"aa";
A collection of XMLNode objects that represents the nodes in the tree view of the XML Structure task pane, which indicates the elements that a user has applied to a document. XMLSchemaReference Represents an individual schema that is attached to a document. XMLSchemaReferences A collection of...
6.10 rsChartSeriesPlotTypeIgnored 6.11 rsCompilerErrorInExpression 6.12 rsCompilerErrorInCode 6.13 rsCompilerErrorInClassInstanceDeclaration 6.14 rsUnexpectedCompilerError 6.15 rsConflictingRunningValueScopesInMatrix 6.16 rsConflictingRunningValueScopesInTablix 6.17 rsCountRowsInPageSectionExpression 6.18 rsCountStarNot...
Hello, I jsonify is not define in scatter_plot.py, line 46 return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args) File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pyxley/charts/mg/scatter_plot.py", line 46, in get_data return jsonify(ScatterPlot.t...