当你在Jupyter Notebook中遇到“name is not defined”的错误时,这通常意味着你尝试访问一个未定义的变量name。下面是一些解决这个问题的步骤和建议: 检查变量定义: 首先,确保你在使用变量name之前已经定义了它。例如,你可以在代码单元格中定义name如下: python name = "your_value" 确保定义顺序: 变量name的定义...
After completing the process, jupyter would give me NameError: name 'features' is not defined Everything else is defined but the variables in this cell! Only to find that after removing %%time from this cell, it worked! Is there some relation to dask or any other package that magic consta...
Jupyter Notebook提供了基于Web的交互式机器学习环境,用户无需安装任何软件,只需可以上网的浏览器,就可...
The Python NameError: name 'plt' is not defined occurs when we use the `pyplot` module without importing it first.
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I'm trialing tracktor on a machine running Xubuntu 16.04, on a jupyter notebook. When running the fish example, everything seems to be going smoothly, except when I try to plot (last section). In that case, the following output error is produced: ...
notebook --generate-config点击确认之后,就可以看到这样的一个界面了: 根据位置打开相应的目录: 第2步:.添加jupyter_notebook_config.py配置文件 在对应目录...这个原因就是因为我们没有给jupter配置一个工作目录,之前安装下来的工作目录,是默认的。所以我们需要重新设置一下自己的工作目录,那具体怎么操作呢? 修改...
python报错:NameError: name 'converter' is not defined jupyter 使用 boxplot 时候报错“name _converter is not defined” 是因为有其他进程占用,关掉其他进程即可。