The alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotype MZ in acute anterior uveitis. Lancet 1978;1:1103.Brewerton DA, Webley M, Murphy AH, Milford Ward A (1978) The α1 -antitrypsin phenotype MZ in acute anterior uveitis. Lancet 1:1103.Brewerton DA, Webley M, Murphy AH, Ward AM. The alpha I-antitrypsin ...
Kelly, J. KVasudev, K. SLee FI, Kelly JK, Vasudev KS (1983) Hepatic changes in a patient with alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency (MZ phenotype). Portal tract elastosis and noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Arch Pathol Lab Med 107: 453–455...
共纳入了68名URSA患者,将患者随机分为两组,对于治疗组在排卵后第6日起开始皮下注射rhG-CSF(n=35)(1 μg·kg-1·d-1)治疗,直到月经来潮或妊娠9周,对照组则在相同的时间应用安慰剂(生理盐水)(n=33)进行治疗。
颈动脉夹层(cervical artery dissection,CAD)是指颈部动脉内膜因各种原因撕裂,血液流入血管壁将内中膜分离,导致壁内血肿和或动脉瘤样扩张,广义来说包括颈动脉和椎动脉夹层[1]。颈动脉夹层是中青年缺血性卒中最常见的病因,约占45岁以下缺血性卒中患者的20%,且多见于男...
heterozygous α1antitrypsin deficiencyPi phenotype was determined in 335 patients with liver diseases and compared with the results in 2830 healthy blood donors. Eleven of 335 patients had phenotype MZ (3.3%, compared with 2.9% in healthy blood donors (NS)). None of 53 patients with ...
A middle-aged white man of Scotch-Irish ancestry, being treated for chronic hepatitis C, was found to be heterozygous for alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiMZ phenotype) after diagnostic PAS-positive, diastase-resistant globules were detected in a liver biopsy. The globules had not been present ...
Alpha-1-antitrypsin (α-1-A) which neutralizes enzymes released by granulocytes is known to be important. This study evaluates the possible importance of α-1-A concentration and the heterozygosity (Pi-S and Pi-Z alleles), in the prevalence of byssinosis and familial allergy. 253 cotton ...
but disagree with the conclusions reached by the Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee of the Alpha-1 Foundation in the strongest terms.The authors acknowledged, although their evidence is somewhat anecdotal, the existence of patients with MZ phenotype who have severe obstructive disease despite bein...
Pulmonary function in nonsmoking subjects with alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency (MZ phenotype): Gelb AF, Klein E, Lieberman J: Am J Med 62: 93–98, 1977ELSEVIERAmerican Journal of Medicine
(1)获得博士学位不超过3年,品学兼优,身体健康,年龄一般不超过35周岁; (2)近3年以第一作者发表≥1篇本专业领域中科院SCI分区2区及以上的论著,或获得国家自然科学基金项目1项。 2.2岗位待遇: (1)享受五险一金; (2)表现优秀可优先...