Bug #17900CREATE VIEW command denied to user ... on SuSE 9.3 Submitted:3 Mar 2006 16:31Modified:9 Jun 2006 18:43 Reporter:Gabriel ZenarosaEmail Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL ServerSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:5.0.15 & 5.0.18OS:Linux (SuSE 9.3) ...
ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied TO USER ‘dataquery’@’data02’ FOR TABLE ‘t’ mysql> mysql> SELECT id,uname FROM d3307.t; +—-+——-+ | id | uname | +—-+——-+ | 1 | a | +—-+——-+ 1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10...
ERROR 1142 (42000): CREATE command denied to user 'hy'@'localhost' for table 'hy'用户'hy'@'localhost' 对表'hy'的创建命令被拒绝,验证成功 五、删除用户 格式:drop user 用户@主机; (1)将用户hy删除 (2)验证
今天遇到⼀个mysql 权限的问题,即标题所述 xxx command denied to user xxx,⼀般mysql 这种报错,基本都属于当前⽤户没有进⾏该操作的权限,需要 root ⽤户授权才能解决,从⽹上找了⼀些资料,感觉这篇写得不错,分享⼀下:可以⽤ CREATE USER 或 GRANT 创建⽤户,后者还同时分配相关权限。
(0.01 sec) mysql> create or replace view v_xx as select * from tx; ERROR 1142 (42000): CREATE VIEW command denied to user 'cc'@'localhost' for table 'v_xx' mysql> show grants; +---+ | Grants for cc@% | +---+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'cc'@'%' | | GRANT SELECT ON...
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW myview AS SELECT mycol FROM mytable1 UNION ALL SELECT mycol FROM mytable2; and I get the error "ERROR 1143 (42000): create view command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for column 'mycol' in table 'myview'", although I am creating the view using the "root...
all privileges:表示将所有权限授予给用户。也可指定具体的权限,如:SELECT、CREATE、DROP等。 on:表示这些权限对哪些数据库和表生效,格式:数据库名.表名,这里写“*”表示所有数据库,所有表。如果我要指定将权限应用到test库的user表中,可以这么写:test.user ...
遇到SELECT command denied to user '用户名'@'主机名' for table '表名' 这种错误,解决方法是需要把吧后面的表名授权,即是要你授权核心数据库也要。 我遇到的是SELECT command denied to user 'my'@'%' for table 'proc',是调用存储过程的时候出现,原以为只要把指定的数据库授权就行了,什么存储过程、函...
CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, EXECUTE和GRANT权限适用于已存储的子程序。这些权限可以被授予为全局层级和数据库层级。而且,除了CREATE ROUTINE外,这些权限可以被授予为子程序层级,并存储在mysql.procs_priv表中。 这些权限信息存储在下面的系统表中: mysql.user ...
#1142 ANY command denied to user 'me'@'localhost' for table mytable. I get the error when trying to install a View at my ISP. The View works on my own local computer. I am able to create a very simple View (at the ISP) on the same table. ...