mysql> deletefromtable1whereage=22;# DELETE 操作无权限ERROR1142(42000): DELETE command denied to user'user2'@'localhost'fortable'table1' 我们切换回 user1 管理账户,移除 user2 的 UPDATE 权限看看。 $ mysql -u user1 -p123456testmysql> revoke update ontest.* from user2;# 移除 UPDATE 权限Q...
Error Code: 1142. UPDATE command denied to user 'ncuser_2040'@'xxx-xx-xx-xxx' for table 'shopping_items' I have checked another update statenent on the same api and it works ok. This is the statement: UPDATE my_recipes_db.shopping_items SET picked = true WHERE master_list = true ...
ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user 'fander1'@'' for table 'test' mysql> update test set id=2; ERROR 1143 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user 'fander1'@'' for column 'id' in table 'test' mysql> select id from test limit 1; +---+ ...
查看权限 SHOW GRANTS FOR chinare@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON chinare.* TO 'chinare'@'localhost'; SELECT command denied TO USER 'chinare'@'localhost' FOR TABLE 'db' 以上执行完毕没有效果 SELECT * FROM mysql.user ***重点这条UPDATE 的语句执行以后可以使用 UPDATE mysql.user SET select_...
grant select on customer.t_user to 'andyqian'@'%'; 当仅仅只设置只读权限时,执行update命令会有如下错误信息: mysql> update t_user set name="sansan",updated_at=now() where oid=1; ERROR 1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user 'andyqian'@'localhost' for table 't_user ...
使用INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE等语句直接修改授权表(不推荐)。 update mysql.user set Select_priv='N' where user='ouyanghan' and host='%'; 1. 2 使用 GRANT/REVOKE 语句 使用GRANT/REOVKE来授予及回收权限(推荐)。 GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] ...
update usersetSelect_pri='Y'where user='root_ssm' 根据查询结果中的列名,一个一个的写update语句修改, 全部改好后再刷新MySQL的系统权限相关表: 代码语言:javascript 复制 flush privileges; 4、修改好后查看表信息 之后重启mysql服务,权限就都有了。改权限的时候有点上头,全给他改了,自己可以根据实际缺少的...
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 UPDATE command denied to user 'xxxxxxxx'@'' for table 'table_name'" at /xxx/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php line 91 [31-Jul-2018 09:33:36 Asia/Shanghai] Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL...
今天遇到⼀个mysql 权限的问题,即标题所述 xxx command denied to user xxx,⼀般mysql 这种报错,基本都属于当前⽤户没有进⾏该操作的权限,需要 root ⽤户授权才能解决,从⽹上找了⼀些资料,感觉这篇写得不错,分享⼀下:可以⽤ CREATE USER 或 GRANT 创建⽤户,后者还同时分配相关权限。