ERROR 1142: INSERT command denied to user ‘username’@’localhost’ for table ‘table_name’这个错误提示表示,在当前用户和主机上,对于指定表,你没有INSERT操作的权限。这通常是由SQL GRANT和REVOKE语句导致的,或者由于MySQL用户的权限不足,我们无法向表中插入新数据。那么如何解决“不允许新增...
ERROR 1142 (42000): INSERT command denied to user 'app_user'@'' for table 't' mysql> update `app_db`.t set a=1; ERROR 1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user 'app_user'@'' for table 't' mysql> delete from `app_db`.t; ERROR 1142 (42000): DELETE comm...
ERROR 1142 (42000): INSERT command denied to user 'user03'@'localhost' for table 'info' //执行 insert 语句没有足够权限 mysql> 使用GRANT 时有些问题需要注意: (1)当用户名和主机名在数据库中不存在时,用户和主机名被创建,也就是 user 表中多了一个用户数据,和使用创建新用户命令效果相同,登录密码...
MySQL 错误: select command denied to user<userid>@<ip-address>for table<table-name> 在MySQL数据库中,当某个用户尝试查询(查询语句)某个表格时,可能会出现“select command denied”(选择指令被拒绝)的错误提示。错误提示中还会显示拒绝查询的用户ID、IP地址和所查询的表格名称。 这...
mysql> insert into user (host,user,password) values("","test1",PASSWORD("test")); mysql> insert into db values("","test","test1","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N") mysql> flush privileges; ...
If you are using one of ourVirtual Private Server packagesand you run into the“INSERT command denied to user”error, it is possible that your VPS has run out of space and there is simply no room for additional information to be stored. Once you confirm that the lack of storage is indee...
mysql> grant insert, updateontest.* to user2;# 再为 user2 增加 INSERT, UPDATE 权限。Query OK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec) 好了,我们退出,切换成 user2 操作看看。 $ mysql -u user2 -p123456 mysql> use test; # 切换工作数据库 Readingtableinformationforcompletion oftableandcolumn names ...
TO user IDENTIFIED BY "password"WITH GRANT OPTION 权限列表:ALTER: 修改表和索引。CREATE: 创建数据库和表。DELETE: 删除表中已有的记录。DROP: 抛弃(删除)数据库和表。INDEX: 创建或抛弃索引。INSERT: 向表中插⼊新⾏。REFERENCE: 未⽤。SELECT: 检索表中的记录。UPDATE: 修改现存表记录。FILE: 读或...
例如:如果尝试从数据库的表中查询数据行或从数据库中删除表,Server将验证该用户否具有该表的SELECT权限或数据库的DROP权限,如果无对应权限,则这一阶段的报错信息类似为:ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: UPDATE command denied to user 'test_a'@'localhost' for table 'sbtest1'...