sigma aldrich(西格玛) | Invitrogen(英骏) | Millipore | Abcam | CST | Roche | peprotech | prospec | pierce | BD Pharmingen | BD Biocoat | R&D | BioVision | Vector | Enzo life | eBioscience | ABR | Amresco | Cayman Chemical | 脂蛋白 | Merck | Qiagen(凯杰) | Santa cruz(三塔抗体...
Immunoprecipitation was performed using anti-myc antibody (9E10, Cell Center, University of Pennsylvania). Immunoprecipitates were assayed by immunoblotting with anti-Flag M2 monoclonal antibody (Sigma). For immunofluorescent staining, cells were fixed 24 h after transfection in 2% paraformaldehyde in ...
Immunoprecipitation was performed on 800 mg total extract with the mouse monoclonal 9A12 antibody directed against DUX4 and cross-reacting with DUX4c (1:5, Dixit 2007) or rabbit anti-MYF5 (1:100, Santa Cruz Biotechnologies) serum in 1 ml IP buffer in the presence ...
(1:1000, ABCENT4777, Advanced BioChemicals, Lawrenceville, GA, USA); Mitochondrial total OXPHOS protein antibody set (Abcam,ab110413); and Anti-pHSL (4126s, Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA); DNMT3b (sc-393845, Santa Cruz, Dallas, TX, USA, sc-393845); HSL (Cell Signaling,...