从Operate on a selection of variables,它说 作用域动词(_if、_at、_all)已被现有动词中的pick(...
> test %>% select_("Q3.2", "Q8.2") %>% + mutate_if(is.na(.), 0, .) Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : object 'p' of mode 'function' was not found - user519662个回答9 这并不是mutate_if的作用。它基于列而不是行进行谓词处理,因此与mut...
1.把datetime转成字符串: 2017-11-23 17:05:18 2.把字符串转成datetime: 2017-11-23 16:10:...
is_true <- function(x) { return(x==TRUE & !is.na(x)) } # test whether FALSE (and return FALSE if TRUE OR NA): is_false <-function(x) { return(x==FALSE & !is.na(x)) } for (i in 1:length(newvar)) { newvar_i = newvar[i] var1_i = var1[i] var2_i = var2[i...
MLP 是一种监督机器学习 (ML) 算法,属于前馈人工神经网络 [1] 类。该算法本质上是在数据上进行训练...
Below, we summarise each character column by reporting the most common value (but for some reason there is no mode() function in R, so we need to write our own). # function to calculate the mode (most common) observation mode <- function(x) { names(sort(table(x)))[1] } # ...
变量名不能使用python保留字,python保留字如下: and del from None True as elif ...