mutate_if函数是R语言中用于对数据进行批量处理的函数。它允许我们根据某些条件来修改数据集的某些列。通过使用mutate_if函数,我们可以方便地对数据集中满足特定条件的列进行操作,比如进行数值转换、字符替换或者添加新的列。 2. 如何使用R语言的mutate_if函数对数据集进行条件性修改? 使用mutate_if函数时,我们需要指定...
以揭示内在的联系和规律性; 在R中,我们常用ifelse函数来进行数据的分组,跟excel中的if函数是同一种...
R中的dplyr包提供了一系列用于数据处理和转换的函数。其中,mutate_if函数可以根据指定的条件对数据框中的多个列进行变换。 mutate_if函数的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 mutate_if(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ...) 参数说明: .tbl:要进行变换的数据框。
scale2<-function(x,na.rm=FALSE)(x-mean(x,na.rm=na.rm))/sd(x,na.rm)iris%>%mutate_if(is.numeric,list(scale2,log)) 如果list里只有一个函数,它会直接修改已经存在的变量(in place),这时可以给它一个新的变量名则创建新的变量 iris%>%mutate_if(is.numeric,list(scale2))iris%>%mutate_if(...
mutate <- function(population, mu) { # TODO: how to pass in distribution info? function ptr? assertthat::assert_that(is_between_zeroone(mu)) # Get the number of mutatnts for each type and remove mutants from their # original genotype vertex (this seems to work) ...
The “mutate” function is found within the dplyr package. In this class, we have explored this function at length, but we did not go into too much depth with variants of this function: mutate_at(), mutate_if() and mutate_all(). The functionality of these variable can be seen below:...
centre <- function(x, nw=NULL, k=NULL, deltaT=NULL, trim=0) { 判断x是否有非数值 初始化结果 res <- NULL 如果没有输入dpss参数的话,则默认为截尾平均 if(is.null(nw) && is.null(k) ) { res <- x - mean(x, trim=trim) ...
This is only one usecase of theVectorize()function. It can come in handy whenever you need to vectorize a non-vectorized function. For example, it seems that thenrow()function is not vectorized, because if I try to create a list with two dataframes in it and get the number of rows,...
The _if() variants do not work with databases either. The easy fix is to make probe_colwise_names() an exported generic. I'm not sure we want to abstract out function mapping in the dplyr interface though. So I don't know what can be done here. Maybe have a generic map in purrr...