It was an especially ugly night for Biden in Michigan’s Arab and Muslim population centres. “Uncommitted” blew out the incumbent president by a 17-point margin in Dearborn, Mich., the only Arab-majority city in the United States. A further six in 10 voters went for “uncommitted” ...
These were political triumphs for Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the past decade, burnishing his reputation as a leader who prioritizes the interests of India’s Hindu majority. For India’s 200 million Muslims, they highlight their waning political power in the world’s largest democracy. Ove...
Finding traditional love in the modern world. personal,stories My #metoo moment happened during umrah Uncategorized Black+Muslim+Woman+Trump personal,stories,Uncategorized Garbage lady personal,stories,Uncategorized Rat Tail Comb online, dating, tips,tips ...
InTurkey,Pakistan,BangladeshandIndonesia,wehaveseenMuslim-majoritycountrieselectawomanto lead. 在土耳其、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和印度尼西亚,我们已经看到这些穆斯林占多数的国家选出了女性领导人。 6. The president'sconciliatorywordscomeasKashmir,the disputedMuslim-majorityIndianstate,goes to thepol...
Modi’s BJP Loses Majority in Indian Lok Sabha After 2024 General Election June 14, 2024International By Yousuf Ali India concluded its multi-part general election process that started on June 1 after its start April 19. It yielded surprising results with the ruling party losing i ...
I can say with a level of confidence that Islam is not a religion of war, only because the majority of Muslims don't subscribe to that perspective, not because there's something inherent in the text that tells me it's a religion of peace. — Maajid Nawaz 63 ...
Similarly, in tribal regions, you may not find a single tribal in the editorial section. Groups that form barely 5-10% of population, form the overwhelming majority, and hence, the ability to present, misrepresent and project things in a totally different way. ...
“I’m not racist, but…” Part of this has to do with our own biases about ourselves as people. The vast majority of people will do everything they can to protect their interests and maintain whatever advantages they earned or were given to them in life. When confronted with our ...
majority community would always dominate governments. The 1983 pogrom and the rise of an armed LTTE with its uncompromising stand to divide the country with the creation of Tamil Eelam were actually JR’s legacies. However, in the violence that ensued LTTE’s armed struggle Muslims in the North...
Do you know Europe’s forgotten Muslim-majority country?The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus may not be a familiar name, but it is home to nearly 400,000 Muslims. The history of Islam in Europe is a firm Turkey voices outrage over anti-Muslim act against mosque in Greek CyprusTurkey and...