Jewish Voters in America July 19, 2024National By Dr.Aslam Abdullah Jews make up the highest percentage of voter turnout of any ethnic group. While 2–2.5% of the United States population is Jewish, 94% live in 13 key elect Did G-d Donate America to Zionists?
The ability to mould public opinion, gives this power. In front of your eyes, it will happen but you can't even notice. It is difficult to even understand as this is a different sort of power, you don't acquire it by cracking a examination or winning election. But this creates the d...
Joinpoint analysis revealed that seven Muslim-majority countries (15.2%) recorded an increase in the average annual percentage change regarding age-standardized suicide rates during 2000-2019. Conclusions Most Muslim-majority countries had lower age-standardized suicide rates than the global average, ...
Joinpoint analysis revealed that seven Muslim-majority countries (15.2%) recorded an increase in the average annual percentage change regarding age-standardized suicide rates during 2000-2019. Conclusions Most Muslim-majority countries had lower age-standardized suicide rates than the global average, ...
Muslim candidates have won seats in local elections in several US states this year. In New York, Bangladeshi American Shahana Hanif became the first Muslim woman on the City Council. Boston, where Muslims number fewer than 80,000, also got its first Muslim member of the City Council. Pakist...
Find the latest world rank for Aligarh Muslim University and key information for prospective students..
(2018, p. 4). Muslims in the Netherlands overwhelmingly reside in neighborhoods with similarly weak infrastructure and crime (Stewart2009, p. 7). In the UK, 28 percent of Muslims live in low-income social housing, and Tower Hamlets, the London borough with the highest percentage of Muslims,...
While Muslims make up a small percentage of the population, their vote is key in states such as Michigan; Biden won Michigan by about 155,000 votes. Trump won Michigan in 2016 by under 11,000. However, overall, there was a weakening of support of Muslims for the Democratic ticket. The ...
This stretches all the way back to the original Hippocratic Oath, which states “Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice.”[19] In seeking this “benefit”, clinicians should educate themselves about the cultural ...
Please also note that we also have a Real Estate Project of US$ 400 Million but we would like to start with the manufacturing Project first build the confidence & then go ahead with Construction in India. Awaiting your reply. With Warm Regards. ...