He was replaced by a Hindu politician, a decision he believes was made to appeal to Hindu voters, who are the majority in the region he represents. Hasan said political parties, especially those that consider themselves secular, need to make more room for minority candidates. “Fair ...
That's the cause of concern for people in any country. Unfortunately, democracy too has failed to solve the issue. If majority in any sense--race, language, religion, class, community or section, is made to feel insecure because of 'growing minorities' or propaganda about the 'other', the...
In 1889, the Congress adopted the principle that it would not take up any proposal which was considered harmful to the Muslims by a majority of the Muslim delegates to the Congress. Many Hindus began to talk of Hindu nationalism and many Muslims of Muslim nationalism. The politically immature ...
InTurkey,Pakistan,BangladeshandIndonesia,wehaveseenMuslim-majoritycountrieselectawomanto lead. 在土耳其、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和印度尼西亚,我们已经看到这些穆斯林占多数的国家选出了女性领导人。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The president'sconciliatorywordscomeasKashmir,the disputedMuslim-majorityIndianstate,goes to thepol...
a father abusing his daughter or siblings abusing their siblings. Our Muslim leaders need to be strong in their messages against the abuse of women. In Muslim majority countries where the laws are either “inspired” by Shariah or lawmakers claim they are in fact the shariah. Men often receive...
A century later 10 THE INDIAN TOMB another saint of Delhi, Nasiruddin Chiragh-i Dihli, was compelled to accept this post in the court of Muhammad Tughluq in order to save inhabitants of the Sultan's capital from forced migration to the Deccan. However, in the majority of cases saints did...
The majority of them decided their discomfort with a Black woman in power outweighed any economic policy that could’ve actually improved their lives. Let’s not forget: Black voters are the working class. We’re not some mythical unicorn immune to the cost of groceries or gas. But while ...
Tens of thousands of minority Hindus have rallied to demand that the interim government in Muslim-majority Bangladesh protect them from a wave of attacks and harassment and to drop sedition cases against Hindu community leaders.
“acceptable to the Muslims” unless it was so designed that the Muslim-majority “areas” of India’s “North-Western and Eastern Zones” were “grouped toconstitute‘independent States’ in which theconstituentunits shall beautonomousand sovereign.” Pakistan was not mentioned until the next day...
Beyond regionality, some differences can be seen even more granularly from country to country. Take Muslim weddings in Indonesia, for example. "While Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country (the largest in the world!), it doesn't recognize a national religion," says Campbell. "A Muslim marriage...