Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by neuronal loss and gliosis in multiple areas of the central nervous system including striatonigral, olivopontocerebellar and central autonomic structures. Oligodendroglial cytoplasmic inclusions containing misfolded ...
The meaning of MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY is any of several progressive neurodegenerative diseases that are of unknown cause, have an onset usually during middle age and are characterized by a combination of symptoms (as orthostatic hypotension, urinary inc
多系统萎缩(Multiple System Atrophy,MSA)的病因目前尚未完全明确,但研究已经揭示了一些可能的因素。以下是对多系统萎缩病因的详细分析: 1. 遗传因素 遗传因素在多系统萎缩的发病中可能扮演一定角色。尽管它不是一种典型的遗传性疾病,但家族研究和基因筛查已经发现了一些与疾病风险增加相关的遗传变异。这些变异可能涉及多...
多系统萎缩(multiple system atrophy,MSA)的治疗 (multiple system atrophy,MSA)是成年期发病的致命性神经退行性疾病。临床表现为进展性自主神经功能障碍,伴帕金森症状、小脑性共济失调症状及锥体束征为主要临床特征的神经系统退行性疾病。分为MSA-P亚型(parkinsonian subtype,帕金森症状)和MSA-C亚型(cerebellar subtype,小...
多系统萎缩( multiple system atrophy , MSA )是神经科的一种罕见疾病,每十万人中约3至4人会得这个病。简单来说,多系统是指神经系统的多个部位受累,萎缩是指神经退化,所以称之为多系统萎缩。 #多系统萎缩[超话]#...
多系统萎缩(Multiple System Atrophy, MSA)是一种成年期发病、散发性的神经系统退行性疾病,主要影响自主神经系统、小脑、脊髓及锥体外系统等多个部位,导致肌肉无力、平衡障碍、站立不稳、运动迟缓及自主神经功能障碍等一系列复杂症状。 多系统萎缩的病因至今尚未完全明确,但普遍认为与遗传易感性、环境因素及神经递质异常...
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a devastating and fatal neurodegenerative disorder. The clinical presentation of this disease is highly variable, with parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia and autonomic failure being the most common - and often debilitating - symptoms. These symptoms progress rapidly, and pa...
多系统萎缩(multiple system atrophy,MSA)是成年期发病、散发性的神经系统变性疾病,临床表现为不同程度的自主神经功能障碍、对左旋多巴类药物反应不良的帕金森综合征、小脑性共济失调和锥体束征等症状。由于在起病时累及这三个系统的先后不同,所以造成的临床表现各不相同。但随着疾病的发展,最终出现这三个系统全部损害...
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is generally considered a rare disease, but may account for up to 10% of patients with Parkinsonism. The profusion of names for this disease, which may present to general physicians, psychiatrists, cardiologists, autonomic specialists, general neurologists and those ...