plasmacytomaCentral nervous system (CNS) manifestation with cranial nerve palsy in multiple myeloma (MM) is a rare manifestation. Plasmacytoma originates from the bones of the skull base in 3% patients with MM but rarely develops from the soft tissues of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuse...
多发性骨髓瘤是最常见的原发性恶性骨肿瘤。它占所有癌症的1%。它发生在美国每年约20,000人。多发性骨髓瘤是每年造成10,000名美国人死亡的原因。 "多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种在骨髓中的浆细胞异常增生的恶性疾病浆细胞是构成人体免疫系统的成分...
multiple myelomaneurological complicationneuropathyneurotoxicityplasmacytomaPOEMSNeurologic complications in plasma cell malignancies are frequently seen in the practice of neuro-oncology, involving areas such as the peripheral and central nervous system. These can be the first symptoms, leading to the diagnosis...
Multiple myeloma can accelerate progression of HIV infection HIV plays a major role in the evolution of malignant plasma cell tumors Patients with solitary plasmacytoma without evidence of systemic involvement have a better prognosis More than half of patients who present ...
These changes are based on the identification of biomarkers associated with near inevitable development of CRAB features in patients who would otherwise be regarded as having smouldering multiple myeloma. A delay in application of the label of multiple myeloma and postponement of therapy could be ...
Solitary plasmacytoma.This is like multiple myeloma, but it causes a single unusual plasma cell growth rather than many of them. It can happen inside or outside a bone. It might also raise your risk of multiple myeloma. Light chain amyloidosis.This causes unusual plasma cells in yourbone marr...
Imaging studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), or positron emission tomography (PET) are often used to evaluate bone damage caused by multiple myeloma and to look for plasma cell tumors outside the bone marrow (plasmacytomas). First-line therapy in the US...
Non Secretory Multiple Myeloma With Extensive Extramedullary Plasmacytoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Sridharan, "Non secretory multiple myeloma with extensive extramedullary plasmacytoma: A diagnostic dilemma," Iranian Journal of Radiology, vol. 12, no. 3,... S Fin,Low,N Hanani,... - 《Iranian ...
The most commonneurologic manifestationof multiple myeloma isnerve root painresulting from the direct compression of the nerve root byplasmacytomas, foraminalstenosissecondary topathologic fracture, and collapse of thevertebrae. Leptomeningeal disease is less common[96].Spinal cord compressionis present in...
Other problems that occur in people with multiple myeloma include: high blood calcium levels, which can lead to dehydration,constipation, and confusion impaired kidney function low red blood cell counts (anemia) A variant of multiple myeloma is called plasmacytoma. A plasmacytoma is a single collecti...