在LLM 出现之前,multi-agent 主要存在于强化学习和博弈论(game theory) 的相关研究中。由于笔者之前从事强化学习相关研究,那么本节将主要介绍强化学习中的 multi-agent 系统。 multi-agent 系统相比于 single agent 更加复杂,因为每个 agent 在和环境交互的同时也在和其他 agent 进行直接或者间接的交互。因此,multi-...
(d)性别博弈,各主体偏好不同的协调博弈)纯纳什均衡用粗体表示。 博弈a:玩家1和玩家2一起抛硬币,若是双方硬币是同一面的,则玩家1获胜,否则玩家2获胜。零和博弈 博弈b:囚徒博弈,一般和博弈。 博弈c:一个共同兴趣游戏。在这种情况下,两个玩家在每次联合行动中获得相同的收益。这个游戏的挑战是让玩家协调最优的...
智能体对其在州s中采取行动时将获得的未来奖励没有一个单一的估计。在学习过程中,agent选择一个动作,然后需要观察其他agent所采取的动作,以更新相应的Q(s,a)值。 问题:智能体不能预测下一个状态下采取行动的值,因为这个值也依赖于其他智能体的行动。 解决问题的方式: (1)利用对手建模 如果智能体能够估计其他代...
我们区分了stateless games和Markov game techniques,stateless games侧重于在假定环境稳定的情况下处理多智能体交互,而Markov game techniques则处理多智能体交互和动态环境。 此外,我们还显示了智能体用于学习的信息。 独立学习者仅根据自己的奖励观察来学习,而联合行动学习者使用对其他代理人的行动和可能的奖励的观察。
Game Theory and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning笔记 上,一、引言多智能体强化学习的标准模型:多智能体产生动作a1,a2...an联合作用于环境,环境返回当前的状态st和奖励rt。智能体接受到系统的反馈st和ri,根据反馈信息选择下一步的策略。二、重复博弈正规形式
Vrancx, De Hauwere, Y.M, Game Theory And Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, In: Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art, Springer, 2012, pp. 441-470.A. Now´e, P. Vrancx, Y.-M. D. Hauwere, Game theory and multi-agent reinforcement learning, in: Reinforcement Learning: State-of...
2004, `Multi-Agent Systems and Game Theory - A Peircean Manisfesto', International Journal of General Systems, vol. 33, pp. 294-314.Some of the congenialities between Peirce's views and the current-day systems on multi-agent communication and reasoning have been elaborated in Ahti-Veikko ...
Game theory lays the solid mathematical foundation for the research of coordination and collaboration. It is a trend to integrate the game theory into the multi-agent interaction in the research of DAI. This paper provides a game-theory-based multi-agent interaction model (GMAIM) and presents ...
Investigate multilateral consultative mechanism based on game theory,given Agent-Espace constitutes a game-theory based,design construction algorithm based on Multi-Agent multilateral consultative union.The algorithm uses the Multi-Agent multilateral negotiated settlement of the multi-level,multi-objective,...
Game Theory and Multi-Agent Optimization Tatiana Tatarenko Pages 7-26 Logit Dynamics in Potential Games with Memoryless Players Tatiana Tatarenko Pages 27-91 Stochastic Methods in Distributed Optimization and Game-Theoretic Learning Tatiana Tatarenko Pages 93-155 Conclusion Tatiana Tatarenk...