我们区分了stateless games和Markov game techniques,stateless games侧重于在假定环境稳定的情况下处理多智能体交互,而Markov game techniques则处理多智能体交互和动态环境。 此外,我们还显示了智能体用于学习的信息。 独立学习者仅根据自己的奖励观察来学习,而联合行动学习者使用对其他代理人的行动和可能的奖励的观察。
智能体对其在州s中采取行动时将获得的未来奖励没有一个单一的估计。在学习过程中,agent选择一个动作,然后需要观察其他agent所采取的动作,以更新相应的Q(s,a)值。 问题:智能体不能预测下一个状态下采取行动的值,因为这个值也依赖于其他智能体的行动。 解决问题的方式: (1)利用对手建模 如果智能体能够估计其他代...
(d)性别博弈,各主体偏好不同的协调博弈)纯纳什均衡用粗体表示。 博弈a:玩家1和玩家2一起抛硬币,若是双方硬币是同一面的,则玩家1获胜,否则玩家2获胜。零和博弈 博弈b:囚徒博弈,一般和博弈。 博弈c:一个共同兴趣游戏。在这种情况下,两个玩家在每次联合行动中获得相同的收益。这个游戏的挑战是让玩家协调最优的...
在LLM 出现之前,multi-agent 主要存在于强化学习和博弈论(game theory) 的相关研究中。由于笔者之前从事强化学习相关研究,那么本节将主要介绍强化学习中的 multi-agent 系统。 multi-agent 系统相比于 single agent 更加复杂,因为每个 agent 在和环境交互的同时也在和其他 agent 进行直接或者间接的交互。因此,multi-...
Besides, multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) and game theory have been proven to be effective for traffic signal control. These methods can address the challenges faced by CRM, such as solving nonlinear and high-dimensional optimization problems. This paper proposes a distributed CRM ...
The motion planning problem for multi-agent systems becomes particularly challenging when humans or human-controlled robots are present in a mixed environment.To address this challenge,this paper presents an interaction-aware motion planning approach based on game theory in a receding-horizon manner ...
2004, `Multi-Agent Systems and Game Theory - A Peircean Manisfesto', International Journal of General Systems, vol. 33, pp. 294-314.Some of the congenialities between Peirce's views and the current-day systems on multi-agent communication and reasoning have been elaborated in Ahti-Veikko ...
讲者:Xiaotie DengChair Professor at Peking University讲座题目:Modeling Multiagent Game Dynamics: Approaches to Equilibrium Computation and Incentive Analysis讲座摘要:This talk explores various research approach, 视频播放量 1501、弹幕量 0、点赞数 63、
Game theory lays the solid mathematical foundation for the research of coordination and collaboration. It is a trend to integrate the game theory into the multi-agent interaction in the research of DAI. This paper provides a game-theory-based multi-agent interaction model (GMAIM) and presents ...
Game theory provides fresh insights into computational multi-agent systems by introducing strategic dimensions into systems that otherwise may rest on unstable methodology. Games, as goal-oriented processes, also economize agent interaction by providing methods of approaching agent rationality as well as it...