而委托代理理论(Principal agent theory) 提出的信息不对称 和利益冲突更进一步揭示了中央政策地方执行的 博弈困境。如何确 … wenku.baidu.com|基于51个网页 2. 者理论 因此,本章参考主要行动主体能动者理论(Principal Agent Theory)(Levy & Murnane, 2001),首先从「个人发展」与「社… ...
Li Peng-Fei ,Feng Li-Jie ,Li Yao-Hui.Research on the principal-agent and game theory of logistics finance oriented to the financial institution[ J]. 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management: Engineering Economics Management, 2012 (10) : 156-162....
Principal–agent theory and game theory are applied to the precautionary principle (PP) to open up a new research agenda. Principals assess whether the threat is uncertain above a threshold. If it is, the principals choose, pay, and command agents to decrease the uncertainty below the threshol...
Game theory; High - tech SMEs; principal - agent; performance management; incentive mechanism. 博弈论; 高新技术 中小企业; 委托 — 代理; 绩效管理; 激励机制. 互联网 Accounting control is essentially embodied in a kind of principal - agent relationship. ...
委托-代理理论(Principal-Agent Theory):研究当一个人(委托人)雇佣另一个人(代理人)代表他们行事时,双方之间的利益冲突和协调问题。零和博弈(Zero-Sum Game):博弈论中的概念,指参与者的总收益是固定的,一方的收益必然导致另一方的损失。 奥尔森集体行动逻辑(Olson’s Logic of Collective Action):曼瑟·奥尔森在...
4) principal-agent theory 委托-代理理论 1. The principal-agent theory is used in the mechanism design to make the mechanism incentive. 引入信息经济学里的委托-代理理论,使得机制具有激励相容特性,激励用户上报真实的中断成本,从而优化供电公司的负荷分配、减少中断补偿。 2. Based on expected utilities ...
By using the principal-agent relationship in the game theory,the paper analyzes the relationship between the owner and the engineers under the engineering supervision institution,illustrates the selection and behaviors between the two sides——the owner and the engineers in the game.According to the ...
Based on the principal-agent game theory,supervisory problems in operating fiscal fund for assisting agriculture were analyzed.Some advices including enhancing transparency of information,reducing principal-agent link,using incentive and punishment mechanism for combining,guiding and standardizing the agent beha...
Principal–agent theory and the Open Method of Co-ordination: the case of the European Employment Strategy This paper adapts and then uses principal鈥揳gent (PA) theory to conceptualize and thereafter to analyse the EU-level development of the Open Method of Co-... Caroline de la Portesup*/...
Principal agent theory Principal-agent problem is a particular game-theoretic description of a situation. There is a player called a principal‚ and one or more other players called agents with utility functions that are in some sense different from the principal’s. The principal can act more...