RenderTextureDescriptor.msaaSamples public int msaaSamples ; Description The multisample antialiasing level for the RenderTexture.See Also: RenderTexture.antiAliasing. Copyright © 2020 Unity Technologies. Publication 2019.4 TutorialsCommunity AnswersKnowledge BaseForumsAsset Store...
MSAASamples NoInterpClampedFloatParameter NoInterpClampedIntParameter NoInterpColorParameter NoInterpCubemapParameter NoInterpFloatParameter NoInterpFloatRangeParameter NoInterpIntParameter NoInterpMaxFloat...
MSAARenderingSample.cpp: Contains the application entry point and the implementation of the MSAASampleApp class. MSAARenderingSample.h: The header file for the DemoApp class. MSAARenderingSample.sln: The sample's solution file. MSAARenderingSample.vcproj: The sample project file. RingBuffer.h: The...
For those pixels with samples completely inside a primitive (i.e., off edge for the primitive), a value is stored in a multisample memory for a smaller number than the total number of the pixel sample areas and indicating data is also stored accordingly 80. A method is also disclosed in...
public static int msaaSamples ; 描述 Get the requested MSAA sample count of the screen buffer. Gets the sample count last requested by SetMSAASamples. Note that this may be different from the actual sample count used. If the graphics API does not support the value provided, it uses the ...
.msaaSamplespublic int msaaSamples ; 描述 RenderTexture 的多采样抗锯齿级别。另请参阅:RenderTexture.antiAliasing。Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this pageCopyright © 2022 Unity Technologies. Publication 2021.3 教程 社区答案 知识库 论坛 Asset Store ...