1. mRNA Vaccines: The Dawn of a New Era of Cancer Immunotherapy. Front Immunol.2022; 13: 887125. 2. mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases: principles, delivery and clinical translation. Nat RevDrug Discov. 2021 Aug 25 : 1–22. 3. Recent advan...
https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/three-year-phase-1-follow-data-mrna-based-individualized/ https://www.aacr.org/about-the-aacr/newsroom/news-releases/immune-response-to-investigational-rna-va...
mRNA vaccines have become a promising platform for cancer immunotherapy. During vaccination, naked or vehicle loaded mRNA vaccines efficiently express tumor antigens in antigen-presenting cells (APCs), facilitate APC activation and innate/adaptive immune stimulation. mRNA cancer vaccine precedes other ...
[2] Lorentzen CL, Haanen JB, Met Ö, Svane IM. Clinical advances and ongoing trials on mRNA vaccines for cancer treatment. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Oct;23(10):e450-e458. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00372-2.[3] Thiago Carvalho. Personalized anti-cancer vaccine combining mRNA and immunotherapy...
Clinical advances and ongoing trials on mRNA vaccines for cancer treatment. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Oct;23(10):e450-e458. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00372-2. [3] Thiago Carvalho. Personalized anti-cancer vaccine combining mRNA and immunotherapy tested in melanoma trial. Nature Medicine 29, 2379-...
[2]Can mRNA Vaccines Help Treat Cancer?.NIH [3]Clinical advances and ongoing trials of mRNA vaccines for cancer treatment.The Lancet Oncology.VOLUME 23,ISSUE 10,E450-E458,OCTOBER 01,2022.doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00372-2 [4]How close are we to developing an mRNA cancer vaccine?....
[1]Chaudhary, Namit et al. “mRNA vaccines forinfectious diseases: principles, delivery and clinicaltranslation.” Nature reviews. Drug discovery, 1–22. 25 Aug. 2021,doi:10.1038/s41573-021-00283-5 [2]Miao, Lei et al. “mRNA vaccine for cancerimmunotherapy.” Molecular cancer vol. 20,1 ...
1. mRNA Vaccines: The Dawn of a New Era of Cancer Immunotherapy. Front Immunol.2022; 13: 887125. 2. mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases: principles, delivery and clinical translation. Nat RevDrug Discov. 2021 Aug 25 : 1–22. 2. Recent advances in mRNA vaccine technology. Curr Opin Imm...
2022年10月,哥本哈根大学Inge Marie Svane作为通讯作者在Lancet Oncol期刊(IF: 54.433)发表综述文章《Clinical advances and ongoing trials on mRNA vaccines for cancer treatment》,基于mRNA递送系统分类,对当前mRNA肿瘤治疗性疫苗的临床研究现状进行了深度回顾。
[1]Chaudhary, Namit et al. “mRNA vaccines forinfectious diseases: principles, delivery and clinicaltranslation.” Nature reviews. Drug discovery, 1–22. 25 Aug. 2021,doi:10.1038/s41573-021-00283-5 [2]Miao, Lei et al. “mRNA vaccine for cancerimmunotherapy.” Molecular cancer vol. 20,1 ...