这e-Anatomy的解剖学单元显示使用MRI对健康病人的眼眶进行解剖。眼眶包括眼球、眼外肌、泪腺和视神经。这解剖单元集中显示眼睛的正常解剖结果,包括眼窝、颅骨、眼外肌、眼眶和眼球的筋膜、眼睑,以及支配眼睛运动、感觉和自主结构的六条颅神经(视神经(CN II)、眼球运动神经(CN III)、耳蜗神经(CN IV)、三叉神经(CN...
「使用对象主要为实习学生和医科学生,帮助他们了解颈椎MRI解剖(使用1.5 Tesla MRI扫描仪)的基本知识。 它是由T1加权序列矢状切面和T2重建在三个平面(矢状、冠状和轴向)所制成,切割厚度为1毫米,方便识别椎骨、神经系统、椎间盘、小面关节和血管。解剖结构的标示是由Pierre Zabarino和Michel-Roxan Sperta-Merle所制,...
Full size image There were apparent differences in the pattern of muscular involvement (Fig. 1C, Suppl. Tab. 3). In sIBM, lower extremities were predominantly affected. In the thighs, the most prominent and consistent changes were seen in quadriceps femoris and sartorius, followed by hamstrings...
These measurements were used to assess the repeatability of volume and mean ADC measurements in the study presented earlier13. Data records Overall approach to data encoding The full dataset is archived with TCIA21 (Data Citation 1) and consists of the de-identified MR images and the data ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. Second-order tensor (ellipsoid with semi-axis lengths λ1, λ2, and λ3) interrogated by the measurement vector n. In solid-state NMR, the vector is the magnetic field B0 and the tensor refers to the chemical shift anisotropy, dipole-dipole inte...
(B) The full distributions of QC-SC correlations (y-axis) for each pipeline (x-axis). (C) The preprocessing options used in each pipeline. Each row corresponds to a preprocessing step, with the possible options for that step colour-coded; the colour of the squares in each column ...
Full size image Fig. 2: Noxious-evoked responses are pain-relevant signals. aThe thresholded group average noxious-evoked map displays t-statistics in statistically significant clusters (t-statistics are scaled according to colour bar). Activity is localised to regions classically considered part of th...
2009-0112084, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference as if recited in full herein. As shown in FIG. 5, the targeting cannula 60 includes an open center lumen or through passage 61 along the axis of the targeting cannula 60. The distal end portion of the targeting ...
The strategies for rapid ontology expansion. Newly identified terminology is integrated into the existing ontology Full size image Strategy 1: dictionary-based term recognition The vast majority of existing TRAK concepts (more precisely, 875 out of 1,292) were originally cross–referenced to the UMLS...
Full size table In addition to storing the individual measurements, each measurement group contains metadata described by the following coded concepts, as defined by the template (also seeFig. 1for the illustration of how those concepts are populated on the example of one of the SRs included in...