「使用对象主要为实习学生和医科学生,帮助他们了解颈椎MRI解剖(使用1.5 Tesla MRI扫描仪)的基本知识。 它是由T1加权序列矢状切面和T2重建在三个平面(矢状、冠状和轴向)所制成,切割厚度为1毫米,方便识别椎骨、神经系统、椎间盘、小面关节和血管。解剖结构的标示是由Pierre Zabarino和Michel-Roxan Sperta-Merle所制,...
Full size table Enhanced MRI comparison The consistency between the MRI examination and clinical pathological examination was analysed, with the results for liver metastasis in patients with colon cancer consistent between the two methods (Kappa coefficient = 0.788, P < 0.000). However, the two metho...
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an indispensable imaging technique in clinical neuroimaging that quantitatively assesses the diffusivity of water molecules within tissues using diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI).
Full size image The noise can be modelled as an additive, uncorrelated contribution to the pure MR signal that follows a Gaussian distribution in the real and imaginary part of complex-valued reconstructed images26. The use of parallel imaging techniques further introduces a non-uniform noise enhanc...
aThe aim of this report is to discuss the use of the term 'Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormality' (SCIWORA) in the medical literature ever since MRI became commonly employed in the diagnosis of spinal cord injuries. Using the PubMed database and the keywords 'SCIWORA and MRI'...
Author Contributions: Dr Marrouche had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Marrouche, Wazni, McGann, Dean, Kholmovski, Mansour, Marchlinski, Hindricks, Sanders, Brachman...
Full size image The term “oligometastases” were conceived by Hellman and Weichselbaum in 1995 [72]. They described it as an intermediate state of distant spread, reflecting disease with a low, slow and late metastatic spreading capacity [73,74]. The exact lesion number or volume is not def...
In case it is required, full manual control of the system is possible using the lock knob and alignment handle located on the rear of the system. A shielded junction box on the side of the system prevents interference between the system's electrical signals and the scanner's electromagnetic ...
Full size table Compared to the targeted plus reduced-core strategies (Strategy 1–4), a combined targeted and full systematic saturation biopsy resulted in change to the focal therapy treatment plan in 12% (Strategy 1–2/3 core-reduction), 19% (Strategy 2–1/2 core-reduction), 24% (Stra...
Full size image Table 2 Descriptive statistics for each brain region volume Full size table Control analyses Previous work in the field has been critiqued for not taking into account potential hormone-related water shifts or cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes in the brain, which could be misconstr...