Therefore, for full functionality, you want the executable to have access to this folder. For MacOS, the Resources folder is placed inside the application package bundle. In other words, if your application is, the software expects For Windows, place the ...
This example uses alla the tools form the previous example. It assumes that full filenames are specified to all necessary nii files, and that corersponding gdir.txt or .bval/.bvec files with standardized names are in the same folder (see mdm_fn_nii2gdir and mdm_fn_nii2bvalbvec for ...
「使用对象主要为实习学生和医科学生,帮助他们了解颈椎MRI解剖(使用1.5 Tesla MRI扫描仪)的基本知识。 它是由T1加权序列矢状切面和T2重建在三个平面(矢状、冠状和轴向)所制成,切割厚度为1毫米,方便识别椎骨、神经系统、椎间盘、小面关节和血管。解剖结构的标示是由Pierre Zabarino和Michel-Roxan Sperta-Merle所制,...
Our “advanced” reconstructions are designed for images that are missing parts of the face due to previous use of de-facing software (e.g. other methods that remove, not replace, the face) or missing due a lack of coverage or signal dropout. Each image is matched with an average ...
All image processing, ROI selection, and feature extraction processes involved in this study were conducted using custom-made software named Brain Lesion Differentiation and Identification Assistant (BLeDIA) which was developed in Python 3.7. $$\begin{aligned} Mean\_ADC = \dfrac{\sum _{i=1}P_...
, regions of interest (ROI) (typically 3 × 3 × 1 voxels) in the lesion were used to measure the time-signal intensity curves, and ADC maps used for the evaluation were generated by inline monoexponential fitting of the highest and lowest b-value data by the scanner software. ...
Reliable reference data in medical imaging is largely unavailable. Developing tools that allow for the comparison of individual patient data to reference data has a high potential to improve diagnostic imaging. Population atlases are a commonly used tool
(;micapipe_anonymize). Note that processing derivatives were generated from non-anonymized images. Structural processing was carried out using several software packages, including tools from AFNI, FSL, and ANTs63. Each T1w scan was deobliqued and reoriented ...
This is to prevent software updates from interfering with any ongoing project. This also means you can make local hacks to a copy of the pipeline and not disturb your other projects, or other users. Ideally, some of these hacks will end up being integrated back into the main branch of ...
Variabilities in scanner hardware and software across imaging centres creates inter-scan variability in tissue class intensities (Reiche et al., 2019), which causes challenges for automated approaches. In (Khademi et al., 2020), the authors tried to overcome this multicentre effect with a machine ...