继冠状和矢状切片后,我们创建了关于MRI脑部轴向切片的新单元。 单元内共有379张MRI扫描图,在3个平面和26个解剖图示上标记了超过524个解剖结构。 本单元主要为了医生、神经解剖学和医学成像的爱好者而设,尤其是全科医生、言语病理学家、精神运动治疗师,以及神经学、神经外科、解剖学和神经科学的专业人士。 图形1 ...
Full size image Of the 132 PCas detected 36.4% (48/132) would have been missed or misclassified by the first biopsy core (40 missed or upgraded, 8 downgraded). Upgrades as well as downgrades were limited to the next higher or lower grade group in most cases, although two tumors were ...
e-Anatomy 的这个解剖单元展示高解析度3T MRI拇指图(多平面T2-FS和T1图像),专用于拇指的解剖,包括正常的指骨、掌指关节、指骨间关节,以及韧带(掌侧板、手指的伸肌和屈肌机构、鱼际肌、环形滑轮和滑膜)。这拇指肌肉骨骼解剖图集旨在帮助放射科医生进行日常实践。得益于高解析度3-T MRI,拇指的复杂解剖结构可以清楚...
在这单元里我们对脸和颈部的解剖图进行综述。我们使用薄的轴向、冠状和矢状切片进行MRI T2加权成像,图中标记了512个解剖结构。为了改善图片的清晰度,部分结构经过后期调整或加入了图板。 横断面解剖图:脸和颈部MRI 这是经过脸和颈部MRI T2加权扫描的健康人体标本,共有600张图片,图片大小为320 x 320像素。由于低对...
Full size image Comparison of MRI staging, clinical staging, and postoperative pathological results Of the 200 patients with cervical cancer, there were 165 patients with stage IB (82.5%), 26 patients with stage IIA (13.0%), 7 patients with stage IIB (3.5%), and 2 patients with stage IIIB...
Lateral ventricular volume was calculated from each participant’s T1-weighted MRI using the AssemblyNet software package [25]. Generalized linear models were utilized to separately regress performance metrics against model-testing participants’ lateral ventricular volume. The intraclass correlation ...
Task-based (tb) fMRI data were processed by using the DynaSuite Neuro software, version 3.0 (Invivo, Philips, Gainesville, Florida). Image pre-processing for fMRI included motion correction and spatial smoothing with a 4-mm full width at half-maximum Gaussian kernel. A functional activation map...
subsequently (full details are available in ref.35). ASHS documentation, atlases and software are available athttps://sites.google.com/view/ashs-dox/andhttps://www.nitrc.org/projects/ashs, with technical details and reliability described further in ref.35. We performed segmentation and bilateral ...
Import geometry into finite element modeling software – Several geometries can be imported, including: 1. The targeted region or mass (Figure 11) Sign in to download full-size image Figure 11. Imported geometry. The geometry may be converted to a surface or a solid and imported into numerical...