The aim of this study was to acquire and analyse a dense set of full-field measurements of the in-vivo deformation of brain tissue resulting from a prone-to-supine change in head orientation. Understanding the mechanics in normal physiological conditions (i.e., in the healthy brain) is the ...
6) 7) 8) Hyperintensepunctiform images in the white matter: A diagnostic approach. 引申阅读 缺血性脑白质病变分级 概述: 脑白质病变(cerebral white matter lesion,WML)是一个纯粹的影像学描述术语,...
6) 7) 8) Hyperintensepunctiform images in the white matter: A diagnostic approach. 引申阅读 缺血性脑白质病变分级 概述: 脑白质病变(cerebral white ...
继冠状和矢状切片后,我们创建了关于MRI脑部轴向切片的新单元。 单元内共有379张MRI扫描图,在3个平面和26个解剖图示上标记了超过524个解剖结构。 本单元主要为了医生、神经解剖学和医学成像的爱好者而设,尤其是全科医生、言语病理学家、精神运动治疗师,以及神经学、神经外科、解剖学和神经科学的专业人士。 图形1 ...
This form of MRI measures how water molecules diffuse through body tissues. Certain disease processes — such as a stroke or tumor — can restrict this diffusion, so this method is often used to diagnose them, Filippi said. Diffusion MRI has only been around for about 15 to 20 years, he ...
空间频率k的单位为 cycles/cm. 之前 【Q&A in MRI】中写过,二维图像是由各个方向各个频率各个相位的平面简谐波组成(或图像可以拆解成若干平面简谐波)。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Applying the theory of Fourier, any image (not just MRI) may be decomposed into a spectrum of periodic (sinusoidal) brightness ...
Full size table Diagnosis of lymph node metastasis and para-uterine infiltration in MRI combined with serum SCCA With the serum SCCA bound value as 3.46 ng/mL, Lymph node metastasis in 124 patients underwent MRI examination and serum SCCA test as follows. Of the patients with positive lymph nod...
Author Contributions: Dr Marrouche had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Marrouche, Wazni, McGann, Dean, Kholmovski, Mansour, Marchlinski, Hindricks, Sanders, Brachman...
MRI patient setup in radiotherapy supine position. Full size image To quantify differences in tumor visualization on CT and MRI, the shape (1–round, 2–oval, 3–lobular, 4–irregular) and margin (1–smooth, 2–irregular, or 3–spiculated) of the tumor were rated by an experienced breast...
Full size image To help convey the variety of respiratory waveforms denoting single deep breaths, five instances are shown in Fig.2a(fuller images are shown in Supplementary Fig.3, see also dozens of scans with deep breaths marked in Supplementary Movie2). These isolated, deep breaths are often...