Quadcopter code is 100% my design; started it 5 years ago in complete ignorance as a challenge to see whether it can be done on a Raspberry Pi with standard Raspian in python. There's an awful lot of waffling on my blog as I use it as a notebook to remind me what I'm doing. ...
With that in mind, we’ve put the ICM20948 on a breakout with a 1.8V voltage regulator as well as level shifting circuitry to allow your 3.3V device such as a Feather M4 or Raspberry Pi, or a 5V device such as the Arduino Uno. To make connections easy, our breakout puts makes the...
MotionSensorExample === MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250 over I2c for RaspberryPi using official Invensense libraries (v5.1): http://www.invensense.com/developers/index.php?_r=downloads This is a sample program for testing your MPU Motion Sensor with Rasperry Pi. It does all the initialization...
对一步预测均方误差矩阵展开可得 Pk/k-1 =Φk,k-1Pk-1Φk,k-1T+Qk-1 则滤波增益为 估计均方误差阵为 3 实验验证与结果 3.1 硬件系统的设计与实现 本文搭建了以树莓派 Raspberry Pi 为核心控制器,以 MPU9250 芯片作为惯 性测量单元的硬件平台,采用 Matlab 软件编写算法对数据进行后端处理。 系 统框图...