当你遇到“mpicc: command not found”的错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认mpicc命令是否已正确安装: 在终端中运行以下命令来检查mpicc是否已安装: bash which mpicc 如果系统返回mpicc的路径,则表示已安装;如果返回mpicc not found或类似信息,则表明未安装。 查找并安装适当的MPI实现: 如果mpicc未安装...
python scons.py bin mode=release extras=mpi -j8 编译安装rosetta 会出现错误sh: mpiCC command not found导致编译终止。 解决方法: 1.首先确定已安装openmpi,不管你是安到/usr/local还是自己定义的安装目录,都要确定已经将openmpi的bin目录和lib目录放到环境变量里(我的安装目录是服务器上我的主目录下的Programs...
可能是你的环境里默copy认没有装make,如果要编译程序,百必须自己在软件度中心手动搜索安装如知下软件包:gcc-dev ( 4.4.3 )glibc-dev ( 2.11.1 )li... bash: service: command not found(service命令未找到的)错误的... service命令未找到的)错误的解决方法今天碰到一个问题,问题如下:在启动named服务时,出现...
Does not invoke the underlying C/C++ compiler.Instead,it shows the command line that would be executed to compile the C/C++ program. -showme:compile Does not invoke the underlying C/C++ compiler. Instead, it shows the compiler flags that would be supplied to the C/C++ compiler. -showme:...
--showme This option comes in several different variants (see below). None of the variants invokes the underlying compiler; they all provide information on how the underlying compiler would have been invoked had--showmenot been used. The basic--showmeoption outputs the command line that would...