bash: mpicc: 未找到命令 可能是你的环境里默copy认没有装make,如果要编译程序,百必须自己在软件度中心手动搜索安装如知下软件包:gcc-dev ( 4.4.3 )glibc-dev ( 2.11.1 )li... bash: service: command not found(service命令未找到的)错误的... service命令未找到的)错误的解决方法今天碰到一个问题,问题...
找不到 mpicc 命令 debian - Shell-Bash (1) 找不到 subl 命令 - Shell-Bash (1) 找不到 ping - Shell/Bash 当你在使用Shell或者Bash终端时,你可能会遇到找不到'ping'这个命令的情况。在本文中,我们将探讨可能导致这种情况的原因以及如何解决该问题。 命令找不到 如果你在执行ping命令时,终端提示command...
Could you help with the information about how can I modify a modulefile such that a set of environmental variables can be loaded when the user executes: “module load intel-mpicc/openfoam/10.0” since that program requires a set of variables be loaded that is called “bashrc”. I normally ...