bash: mpicc: 未找到命令 可能是你的环境里默copy认没有装make,如果要编译程序,百必须自己在软件度中心手动搜索安装如知下软件包:gcc-dev ( 4.4.3 )glibc-dev ( 2.11.1 )li... bash: service: command not found(service命令未找到的)错误的... service命令未找到的)错误的解决方法今天碰到一个问题,问题...
I have also tested mpicc and mpiicc and seem to be getting the correct outputs, so I feel that the MPI installation and Libraries within /intel are working. I feel that I may have downloaded the Intel Software incorrectly, but am unsure how. Could you please help me to either...