wall clock time = 0.020644 如果我们现在想编译文件: 在/home/houqingdong下执行: mpicc -o hello hello.c 这时候会提醒:-bash:mpicc command not found 这是因为我们还没有配置路径 在命令行下输入: export PATH=/home/houqingdong/mpiexe/bin:$PATH 注意:这里仅仅是暂时的设置路径,在重启后效果会消失,如...
1.谷雨:CentOS7配置Rosetta安装教程 2.rosetta common sh: mpiCC command not found解决方法
python scons.py bin mode=release extras=mpi -j8 编译安装rosetta 会出现错误sh: mpiCC command not found导致编译终止。 解决方法: 1.首先确定已安装openmpi,不管你是安到/usr/local还是自己定义的安装目录,都要确定已经将openmpi的bin目录和lib目录放到环境变量里(我的安装目录是服务器上我的主目录下的Programs...
When I source OpenFoam I got this message : "bash: mpicc: command not found" I switch to openmpi in the 3rdParty to avoid this last problem. EDIT 2 : After a reboot and a new compilation, everything is good... November 4, 2013, 18:02 #9 wyldckat Retired Super...
应该是安装程序没找到mpicc。或者可以试试Customizing installation的方式,然后把siteconfig.py修改成 ......
./setup --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc --cxx=mpicxx --mpi --mkl=sequential --prefix=/home/XXX/...
This is for a Cray, which has "ftn" as the mpi-aware Fortran compiler command. Change this to the corresponding command on your system, which is often mpif90 (sometimes mpiifort). I also change cc to (say) mpicc, but icc (i.e. the serial compiler) should also work. awallcraft ...
$mpicc mpi_hello.c -o mpi_hello.out$ls|grep mpimpi_hello.cmpi_hello.out Testmpi_hello.outusing the MPI versions avalaible on the system withsrun single node usingopenmpi $srun --mpi=openmpi mpi_hello.outHello from task 0 on worker01.local.dev!MASTER: Number of MPI tasks is: 1$sacct...
mpicc Compiles and links MPI programs written in C mpicxx Compiles and links MPI programs written in C++ mpiexec Run an MPI program mpif77 Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 77 mpifort Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 90 mpmetis Partitions a mesh into a ...