会出现错误sh: mpiCC command not found导致编译终止。 解决方法: 1.首先确定已安装openmpi,不管你是安到/usr/local还是自己定义的安装目录,都要确定已经将openmpi的bin目录和lib目录放到环境变量里(我的安装目录是服务器上我的主目录下的Programs文件夹下的openmpi里)。环境变量设置如下: export PATH=/home/**/Pro...
可能是你的环境里默copy认没有装make,如果要编译程序,百必须自己在软件度中心手动搜索安装如知下软件包:gcc-dev ( 4.4.3 )glibc-dev ( 2.11.1 )li... bash: service: command not found(service命令未找到的)错误的... service命令未找到的)错误的解决方法今天碰到一个问题,问题如下:在启动named服务时,出现...
mpiccandmpiCC(mpic++is a synonym formpiCCprovided for filenames that do not support case-sensitive filenames) are convenience wrappers for the local native C and C++ compilers.Translation of a LAM program requires the linkage of the LAM specific libraries which may not reside in one of the s...
使用sudo apt-get install uuid-dev安装uuid开发接口后, 头文件/usr/include/uuid/uuid.h存在,但是...
1、centos 安装gdb调试工具rpm -qa | grep gdbgdbm-1.8.0-26.2.12、使用gdb提示:-bash: gdb: command not found我的centos 5.4版本太低,centos 软件服务器提供的gdb 7.2无法安装,去gdb官网下载旧版的gdb5、查找:文件包find / -name gdb-7.0.1a.tar.bz2 &nbs 转载 297 阅读 点赞 评论 centOS...
not found libcudart.so.11.0 => not found libnvidia-ml.so.1 => not found libOpenCL.so.1 => not found libcudart.so.11.0 => not found libnvidia-ml.so.1 => not found libcap.so.2 => /lib64/libcap.so.2 (0x00007f380ae4b000) libdw.so.1 => /lib64/libdw.so.1 (0x00007f380a...
Translation of an Open MPI program requires the linkage of the Open MPI-specific libraries which may not reside in one of the standard search directories of ld(1). It also often requires the inclusion of header files what may also not be found in a standard location. mpicc passes its ...
GNU compilers on Linux, a different library path may be used if -m32 is seen versus -m64 being seen). This is not the default behavior in a standard build, but can be activated (for example, in a binary package providing both 32 and 64 bit support). More information can be found at...