acceleration_constraint(u): 定义了加速度的约束条件,限制加速度在[-2, 2] m/s²之间,模拟了实际车辆中油门和刹车的物理限制。 mpc_controller(v0, target_speed, N, dt): 这是MPC控制器,预测未来N个时间步内的加速度,并返回最优的第一个时间步的控制输入。minimize的使用可以参考:minimize 使用 simulate...
4. 连接组件 将Signal Generator的输出连接到MPC Controller的输入,MPC Controller的输出连接到Plant Model的输入,Plant Model的输出连接到Scope。 三、仿真与调试 设置仿真参数,如仿真时间和步长。 点击运行按钮开始仿真。 观察Scope中的波形,分析控制效果。 根据需要调整MPC控制器的参数,重新进行仿真。 四、MATLAB操作...
►MPCControllerSubmodule ►MracAdaptiveGain ►MracConf ►MracController ►MracDebug ►PadMessage ►PIDBCController ►PidConf ►PIDController ►PIDICController ►PluginDeclareInfo ►PostprocessorSubmodule ►Preprocessor ►PreprocessorSubmodule ►SimpleAntiSlopeDebug ►SimpleLateralDebug ...
MPC Controller NEW Space 北京科技大学 控制科学与工程硕士MPC (basic) 系统模型 xk+1=Axk+Buk+E,yk=Cxk 令(预测时域 Np ,控制时域 Nc) ,Xk=[xk+1xk+2⋮xk+Np]∈RnNp,Yk=[yk+1yk+2⋮yk+Np],Uk=[ukuk+1⋮uk+Nc−1]∈RmNc 则有 Xk=[A⋮ANp]xk+[B0⋯0ABB⋯0⋮⋮...
Tune MPC Controller Weights at Run-Time in simulation. Ports Input expand all Required Inputs mo—Measured outputs vector x[k|k]—Custom state estimate vector ref—Model output reference values row vector | matrix Additional Inputs md—input ...
【运动控制】Apollo6.0的mpc-controller解析.pdf,【运动控制】Apollo6.0的mpc_controller解析 mpc_controller解析 1 Init 1.1 输⼊ 输⼊为控制配置表 control_conf ,判断是否加载成功。 if (!LoadControlConf(control_conf)) { AERROR failed to load control conf; ret 文件参考#include "modules/control/controllers/mpc_controller/mpc_controller.h" #include <algorithm> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "Eigen/LU" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "cyber/common/log.h" #include "cybe...
Learn how to design an MPC controller for an autonomous vehicle steering system using Model Predictive Control Toolbox.
Using a simple car example, this video provides insight into an MPC controller’s strategy for finding the optimal steering wheel angle to control the car’s longitudinal speed. At each time step, the MPC controller makes predictions about the future lateral positions of the car. To ...
void MPCController::InitializeFilters(const ControlConf *control_conf) { // Low pass filter std::vector<double> den(3, 0.0); std::vector<double> num(3, 0.0); common::LpfCoefficients( ts_, control_conf->mpc_controller_conf().cutoff_freq(), &den, &num); digital_filter_.set_coefficient...