打开MoveObject脚本,在脚本内部定义一个变量来存储移动速度。通常,这个速度会是一个向量(Vector3),因为Unity中的移动可以沿着三维空间中的任何方向。但为了简化,我们可以先只考虑二维平面(X和Z轴),Y轴保持不变(假设物体在地面上移动)。 csharp using UnityEngine; public class MoveObject : MonoBehaviour { // 定...
【106】我们的第一个可编程对象 Our First Scriptable Object 07:22 【107】最大健康值 Closing the Loop for the Max Health 07:16 【108】移动速度属性 The Move Speed Stat 14:32 【109】护甲与生命偷取属性 Armor & Life Steal Stats 12:31 【110】闪避属性 The Dodge Stat 07:54 【111】修...
如果您想加载单个场景,请确保使用您想移至新场景的游戏对象上的 DontDestroyOnLoad,否则 Unity 会在游戏对象移至新场景时将其删除。// This script moves the GameObject you attach in the Inspector to a Scene you specify in the Inspector. // Attach this script to an empty GameObject. // Click on ...
go要移动的游戏对象。 scene将游戏对象移动到的目标场景。 name撤销操作的名称。 描述 将游戏对象从当前场景移动到新场景中。 要求游戏对象必须位于当前场景的根目录下。 Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page...
开发者ID:Arpit0492,项目名称:Unity,代码行数:25,代码来源:Pokemon.cs 示例4: Start ▲点赞 2▼ // Use this for initializationvoidStart(){ player = FindObjectOfType<Move> ();//shoots the direction rightif(player.transform.localScale.x <0) ...
Restrain an object from being moved or resized off the screen or outside of its parent. Completely optional. Single control script: A new script has been added to control raycasting, custom cursors, and activation of other scripts. Unity 5: ...
广义的事件系统是指Unity中整个事件相关的一整个系统, 而狭义的事件系统指的是一个专门的组件:EventSystem. 下面我们会使用事件系统和EventSystem来对应描述两者. 本文将对事件系统和其主要的模块做一个系统性的概述. 概述 根据官方文档的说明, 手册(Manual/EventSystem.html), 脚本API(ScriptReference/EventSystems.Event...
Script language Select your preferred scripting language. All code snippets will be displayed in this language.Scripting API UnityEngine UnityEngine.Accessibility UnityEngine.Advertisements UnityEngine.AI UnityEngine.Analytics UnityEngine.Animations UnityEngine.Apple UnityEngine.Assertions UnityEngine.Audio Unity...
Time for Unity! Getting Started with Unity Installing Unity Game Engine Introduction to Unity Elements of Unity 3D First Project with Unity Adding and Managing Assets Unity Engine Physics Components Adding C# Script to Game Object Rigid Bodies in Unity Making Player Move in Unity Collisions and Co...
Version:2019.1 Language:中文 interface in UnityEngine.EventSystems Implements interfaces:IEventSystemHandler Description 要实现的接口(如果您希望接收OnMove回调)。 Public Functions OnMove当发生移动事件时由 BaseInputModule 调用。