This article discusses motivation from the perspective of Bandura's social cognitive theory. Motivation refers to processes that instigate and sustain goal-directed activities. Motivational processes are personal/internal influences that lead to outcomes such as choice, effort, persistence, achievement, and...
The third conceptualization Lay Epistemic Theory (LET) proposes an integrated model in which any motivation may combine with any cognitive content to form a uniform route to judgment, also known as the "unimodel". Finally, a fourth model proposes a "fusion" in which motivation is thought to ...
Individual motivation and social influence: a study of telemedicine adoption in China based on social cognitive theoryDi Wu PhD Candidate aHai Gu PhD aShuyan Gu PhD aHua You PhD bHealth Policy and Technology
motivational theories and research, this text includes an overview of metatheoretical perspectives, expectancy and efficacy beliefs, attribution theory, social cognitive theory, goal theory, intrinsic motivation, values and affect, and social-cultural influences such as schools, classrooms, peers and ...
Two studies examined hypotheses drawn from a proposed modification of the social-cognitive model of achievement motivation that centered on the 2 x 2 achievement goal framework. Implicit theories of ability were shown to be direct predictors of performance attainment and intrinsic motivation, and the ...
This is clearly similar to the selfdetermination theory notion about the need for a sense of community in the social context. Supervisor support has to do with the perceived quality and quantity of feedback and support from the supervisor as well as the perceived overall competence of the ...
Equity, Fairness, and Justice Motives Related to Work. Expectancy-Valence Theories of Work Motivation. Goal-Directed Theories. Part Four: Views of "Work Motivation" and Work Behavior. Learning, Behavior Control, Social-Cognitive Theory, and Self-Management. Part Five: Summary and Evaluation of ...
256-273 0033-295X/8S/$00.75 A Social-Cognitive Approach to Motivation and Personality Carol S. Dweck Ellen L. Leggett University of Illinois Harvard University Past work has documented and described major patterns of adaptive and maladaptive behavior: the mastery-oriented and the helpless patterns....
One main implication of this phrasing is that gratification becomes as important a concept as deprivation in motivation theory, for it releases the organism from the domination of a relatively more physiological need, permitting thereby the emergence of other more social goals. The physiological needs...
students in the personality/social, military, and educational psychology, and assessment/evaluation communities, this volume explores the state of the art in motivational research for individuals and teams from multiple theoretical viewpoints as well as their effects in both schools and training ...