Mother 3 also marks the game's first appearance on a portable game system and despite not being localized for released outside of Japan, the game has an outstanding fan translation that allows English-speaking gamers to enjoy the game.
when you load a ROM. This is known as "soft-patching". If your emulator can do this, then make sure the IPS file is called "mother12.ips" and that the ROM is called "mother12.gba". Then load the ROM in your emulator. If all goes well, the translation patch should work ...
A long time ago (before the release of theMOTHER 3 Fan Translation), I started working on a proof-of-concept VWF for MOTHER 2 on the GBA. It worked, but it quickly became apparent that the amount of hacking required would be huge; window-rendering functions contain a ton of repeated co...
提取码:3333 中文翻译的不够彻底,还有些英文没有翻译成,建议下载英文版的自己再去翻译一遍 32332 地球冒险吧 kingsir2013 Mother3汉化补完-招募怪物图鉴翻译Mother3汉化版怪物图鉴的乱码问题,目前经过修复可以正确显示了,但是图鉴里的怪物介绍文本并没有翻译,因此希望能找到对此有兴趣的翻译,一块把图鉴的汉化给补完。
Good news for those of you who’ve waited over two years to play Mother 3 in English, despite Nintendo of America’s reluctancy to release the RPG stateside. The fan translation patch has been completed: “The patch will be out at the end of this week. Testing’s pretty much over now...