Mother 3 also marks the game's first appearance on a portable game system and despite not being localized for released outside of Japan, the game has an outstanding fan translation that allows English-speaking gamers to enjoy the game.
在ROM的3FFF0处找到。 《Mother》《EarthBound Beginnings》 MOTHER-1.00 EARTH BOUND 1.00相当明显。 玩偶文本以下文本字符串在两个版本中都可以找到。显然是在游戏开始前遇到被附身的玩偶时使用的。 Spooky!! The doll walks by itself!B.B.首领描述在这场战斗中,你只能选择战斗;无法选择检查选项。尽管如此,他...
地球冒险3(Moth..看到吧里有好几个人在求Mother3的汉化ROM,正好我手里还有好不容易找到的Mother3 手册,一并发出来,需要的下载吧
Long answer: It's a LOT more complicated than what you can imagine. It would probably take me just as much time - if not more - than the MOTHER 3 project took. I don't think it would be worth the effort; the GBA version of MOTHER 2 has a bunch of bugs, the music and sound ...
Put a MOTHER 1+2 ROM inbin/m12fresh.gba While in the root of the project, run:docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/home/m2gba/src lorenzooone/m2gba_translation:builder The output will be inside the newly createdoutfolder. Manually Building ...
GBA版的MOTHER1+2的2代没有被英化(官方只有日文,英化是粉丝做的) 来自Android客户端2楼2019-10-27 21:58 收起回复 三曲枝 小吧主 11 没有那种rom,只有菜单简单英化的 3楼2019-10-28 05:12 收起回复 贴吧用户_QAStJZJ 赤手空拳 1 gba mother1+2 目前我只找到1完全英化,2部分英化 4楼2019-...
原因很简单,《Mother 3》从未在日本以外的地区发售过,自然也没有其他官方语言版本供人体验。最近,老外们借GBA 二十周年、《Mother 3》十五周年之际,在社交媒体上再次掀起英文化的呼声,一度让游戏上了热搜。对面是《Mother 3》的主角 “Mother是后妈养的”,老任死活不推出英文版《Mother 3》早已成了梗。尽管...
gba吧 关注:110,169贴子:1,443,552 看贴 图片 精品 视频 玩乐 2回复贴,共1页 <返回gba吧求mother3 汉化rom 只看楼主收藏回复 lazycarrot 哞萌萌 2 找了好久没找到,好像吧里唯一的资源也没了,邮箱2423496970@qq.com万分感谢!!!送TA礼物 回复...