And the Prophet Joseph Smith was Preaching to a large congregation in front of the Temple ... Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt and Heber C. Kimball. ... and has that calling for the last twenty years of his life.www.our...
John Taylor was wounded by four bullets in his limbs, but not seriously. Thus perishes the hope of law; thus vanishes the plighted faith of the State; thus the blood of innocence stains the constituted authorities of the United States; and thus have two among the most noble martyrs since ...
“Benjamin F. Johnson later remembered Smith teaching during this time about the eternal implications of the families created through plural unions. “The First Command was to ‘Multiple’ [sic] and the Prophet [p.116] taught us that Dominion and power in the great Future would be Commensurate...
My two beautiful friends married in the summer of 2013. Taylor is a descendant of one of Joseph Smith’s plural wives, six other women involved in plural marriages, and John Taylor, the last Mormon prophet to die still preaching plural marriage was to be practiced. Shazia is a descendant ...
Each of the victims received four balls in his body, and John Taylor, editor of the Nauvoo Neighbor, was shot in four places, but not seriously injured. About three o'clock the next day, the bodies of "the noble martyrs" were received at Nauvoo. They were met, the paper says -- ...
By this standard any prophet that taught that a skin of blackness or descent from Africa is a curse would not be considered "true disciples of Christ". This apparently includes Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Joseph Fielding Smith, Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson and Gordon B...
But what is certain is that Card heeded his prophet's advice and turned his sights toward Canada, specificalliy toward the southern area of British Columbia and Alberta (then the Northwest Territories) immediately north of the international boundary. Unlike President Taylor, Card had no affinity ...
To this day, Joseph smith is remembered by Mormons as the first prophet of the restoration, accomplishing tasks that established the lord's true church again to the earth. John Taylor makes this point clear, in his record: "Joseph Smith, the prophet and seer of the lord, has done more,...
(1892) Life of John Taylor [removed: 2008] (1900) The Missouri Persecutions [removed: 2008] (1900) Rise and Fall of Nauvoo [removed: 2008] (1903) YMMIA Manual #7 [excerpts] (1904) YMMIA Manual #8 [off-site: excerpts] (1904 Mar) "Probability of Joseph Smith's Story" [fu...
Law and John Taylor; Joe's Bankrupt Application; Book of Mormon -- its origin, etc,; Claims and absurdities of the Book of Mormon; Absurdities and contradictions of the Book of Covenants' Mormon Paradise; History of the Mormons; Designs of Mormonism; Organization and Doctrine of the Mormons...