為了永續生存,為了避免永無止境的官司纏訟,也為了證明摩門教教徒願意遵守美國法律,現時分支主流耶穌基督後期聖徒教會教會(LDS)會長伍惠福於1890年9月25日正式發布「The Manifesto(宣言)」要求教會信眾遵守當地的婚姻法律,宣布結束多妻制度,並從1904年開始將實行多妻制度的會友開除教籍或禁止他們加入教會。但是關於多妻制...
Following photo: The wives of Brigham Young, second President/Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormon Polygamy Facts That Cause Some LDS Folk to Struggle mormonstories.org Supporting Facts Derived 100% from Church-Friendly Sources Following photo: The wives and children ...
In the fall of 1830 Rigdon received a visit by four men, among them were Parley P Pratt, Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer. They were from the new religious group who had begun to follow Joseph Smith, Jr., the self-proclaimed Mormon prophet. At first Smith called [it] "The Church of ...
Following photo: The wives of Brigham Young, second President/Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mormon Polygamy Facts That Cause Some LDS Folk to Strugglemormonstories.org Supporting Facts Derived 100% from Church-Friendly Sources Following photo: The wives and children o...
迫使耶穌基督後期聖徒教會教會(LDS)宣布結束多妻制度的美國聯邦法律簡介 1862年《摩利爾反重婚法》(Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act) 十九世紀中後期,美國聯邦國會為了壓制越來越囂張跋扈的摩門教的多妻歪風,于1862年通過了劃時代性的《莫勒爾反重婚法(Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act)》,美國第十六任總統亞伯拉罕.林肯(President Abra...