Source: LDS Film 1278755 In 1841 He was living with his Grandparents Henry Thompson and Grace Taylor In Tithebarn Street, Preston, Lancashire. In the 1851 census, John (age 16), Bricklayer, was a unmarried lodger in Preston, Lancashire, England. in 1851 he is boarding with a Richard...
為了永續生存,為了避免永無止境的官司纏訟,也為了證明摩門教教徒願意遵守美國法律,現時分支主流耶穌基督後期聖徒教會教會(LDS)會長伍惠福於1890年9月25日正式發布「The Manifesto(宣言)」要求教會信眾遵守當地的婚姻法律,宣布結束多妻制度,並從1904年開始將實行多妻制度的會友開除教籍或禁止他們加入教會。但是關於多妻制...
He was the son of Henry Thompson and Grace Taylor Baptism: 9 Aug 1807 St John, Preston, Lancashire, England[1] John Thompson - Son of Henry Thompson & Grace Born: 15 Jul Register: Baptisms 1806 - 1812, Page 30, Entry 3 Source: LDS Film 1278740 Sources ↑ "England Births ...
At the general conference held on 10 October 1880, the First Presidency of the Church—President John Taylor and his Counselors George Q. LDS Il 10 ottobre 1880, il presidente John Taylor fu sostenuto quale presidente della Chiesa, con George Q. On 10 October 1880, President John Taylor ...
參閱:,_Jr.#cite_ref-HoLDS_0-0 一個人不能事奉兩個主。(幽"摩門教一夫多妻制"一默) 不事二主 摩門教徒是基督教的一個教派,主張一夫多妻制。一次,馬克·吐溫與一位摩門教就一夫多妻問題展開爭論。摩門教徒說:「你能在《聖經》中找到一句禁止一夫多妻...
Adam Taylor – The Washington Post For much of the coronavirus pandemic, poor and middle-income countries struggled to secure doses of the most successful vaccines, which use cutting-edge messenger-RNA technology. As wealthy countries hoarded doses, the World Health Organization and its partners ca...
LDS You will also find in a couple of songs Luther Adams and John Primer on guitars and Willie Kent on bass, while Timothy Taylor is on drums. Asimismo intervienen en un par de temas Luther Adams y John Primer a las guitarras y Willie Kent al bajo, mientras Timothy Taylor se encar...
迫使耶穌基督後期聖徒教會教會(LDS)宣布結束多妻制度的美國聯邦法律簡介 1862年《摩利爾反重婚法》(Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act) 十九世紀中後期,美國聯邦國會為了壓制越來越囂張跋扈的摩門教的多妻歪風,于1862年通過了劃時代性的《莫勒爾反重婚法(Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act)》,美國第十六任總統亞伯拉罕.林肯(President Abra...