One reason to deem this insufficient is that it is consistent with the goal-directed behavior of some animals whom we do not suppose to be morally responsible agents. Such animals lack not only an awareness of the moral implications of their actions but also any capacity to reflect on their ...
The ethical debate on the moral consideration of non-human animals (hereafter animals) currently centres on the evidence of sentience in these beings. The recognition of sentience in vertebrates and cephalopods (and decapod crustaceans in the UK) has led to their legal protection (Birch et al.,...
In the animal world they do not seem to think of “the Creator”. We do. If there is any one “key stone” species on earth it would have to be humanity. Animals are primarily governed by instinct while humans have the added sense of moral direction. I always look and see how sustai...
also speakof moralprogress as meaningprogressin morality.This seemsto consistin theclarificationof moralideas,theremoval of incon-sistenciesbetween moralrules,aclearer understandingof humanneedsandpurposes,theenlargementof thearea withinwhich moralprinciplesare appliedand increasingapprox-imationof behaviorto ...
C.he would modify his destructive behaviorD.his destructive result might bring about 2. The author mentions the example of killing Hitler to show that ___ . A.killing someone is definitely termed a destructive act B.killing Hitler is seen as a constructive and positive act C.the ...
” We are, he points out, getting used to behavior that is not good for us. When some form of deviant behavior gets out of hand, we simply redefine it as normal and learn to live with it. “We keep the level of punishment more or less constant in our society by redefining deviancy...