you'd be wise to do something about that. So what is the Chinese zodiac, exactly? Most Westerners think of Greco-Roman zodiac, the signs divided into 12 months. The Chinese zodiac is different. It's a 12-year cycle labeled with animals, starting wit...
I would like to talk to you about a very special group of animals. 我想和你谈谈一组非常特殊的动物。 There are 10,000 species of birds in the world. Vultures are amongst the most threatened group of birds. When you see a vulture like this, the first t...
environment science animals primates cognitive science evolution love biology fish brain biodiversity consciousness mental health empathy birds neuroscience Mission Blue conservation marine biology oceanAbout the speaker Carl Safina Ecologist, writer See speaker profile Carl Safina's writing explores the scien...
So parents choose specific years to give birth to babies, because they believe the team effort by the right combination of animals can give prosperity to families. 中国人相信某些生肖与其它生肖比较好相处。所以 夫妇选择特定的年份生孩子,因为他们相信特定的生肖组合,会让家族更 加繁荣。 We even refer...
you'd be wise to do something about that. So what is the Chinese zodiac, exactly? Most Westerners think of Greco-Roman zodiac, the signs divided into 12 months. The Chinese zodiac is different. It's a 12-year cycle labeled with animals, starting with a Rat and ending with a Pig, and...
culture animals evolution history TED-Ed animationMeet the educator David Howe Educator About TED-Ed TED-Ed Original lessons feature the words and ideas of educators brought to life by professional animators. Learn more about TED-Ed This video was produced by TED-Ed, TED’s youth and educat...
Our Chinese ancestors constructed a very complicated theoretical framework based on yin or yang,the five elements and the 12 zodiac animals. Over thonsands of years, this popular culture has affected people's major decisions, such as naming, marriage, giving birth and attitude towards each other....
For this one it is these are new species, and the database is built out of a sampling of plants and animals that fit that rubric. 对于这幅画来说,这些是新物种, 数据库是根据符合该标准的 动植物样本建立的。 It took me about four months of research, probably two or three months of drawi...
For this one it is these are new species, and the database is built out of a sampling of plants and animals that fit that rubric. 对于这幅画来说,这些是新物种, 数据库是根据符合该标准的 动植物样本建立的。 It took me about four months of research, probably two or three months of drawi...
Lilly wrote about this experiment, and his other work with dolphins between the years 1955 to 1978, in this book. Alex the African Grey Parrot. Mammals aren’t the only communicative animals. Irene Pepperberg’s famous parrot, Alex, knew over 100 English words, could count up to six (and...