You’ll find all the best 5e monsters in our guide – plus DM advice on how to run them, potential tactics and their general role in the game. We’ve organized our favorite monsters by Challenge Rating (CR), so you’ll find weak little guys at the start and endgame boss monsters at...
One can't just line up CR's in order of lowest to highest and run every game like a prolonged episode of the Power Rangers where you fight the easy then the medium then the hard then the hardest... you can, I guess, but I'm probably in good company suggesting that you shouldn't....
A legendary white dragon’s innate magic deepens the cold in the area around its lair. Mountain caverns are fast frozen by the white dragon’s presence. A white dragon can often detect intruders by the way the keening wind in its lair changes tone. ...
So lets say you go by the CR assumption of 4 characters at the level of the creatures CR should be able to fight it and say you have a party that has a Wizard, Rogue, Fighter and Cleric all at lvl13. I would have the Rakshasa Plane Shift the Cleric, Tank the Wizards 1 lvl7 spe...
The region containing a legendary red dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects: Small earthquakes are common within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair. Water sources within 1 mile of the lair are supernaturally warm and tainted by sulf...